Keywords: winter wheat, variety, biological preparation, processing method, leaf area, dry matter, photosynthetic potential.


The purpose of the article. The purpose of our research was to evaluate the photosynthetic potential of winter wheat varieties depending on the methods of application of biologically active agents in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe. The methods. In the process of carrying out the research, a combination of general scientific methods was used: hypothesis, observation, analysis; and special: analytical methods of research, data of field experiments. Experimental indicators were processed by the methods of mathematical statistics according to V.O. Yeshchenko. The results. The results of field and laboratory studies of the influence of biologically active agents: Trichodermin, Agat 25 K and PMK-ZR in different ways of their application (seed treatment, spraying of crops, seed treatment + spraying of crops) on the photosynthetic crops potential of various varieties of winter wheat when growing in the conditions of Western Forest Steppe are presented. According to the results of three-year research, winter wheat varieties more adapted to the conditions of the growing area and more productive were found. A more effective method of using the biologically active agent in the section of varieties was established and their significant influence on the area of the leaf apparatus, the yield of dry matter and the photosynthetic potential of winter wheat crops was mathematically confirmed. It was determined that the increase in leaf area ranged from 0.6 to 5.5 thousand m2/ha, depending on the variety, processing method and agent. The maximum increase in the indicator was in the Ariivka variety on variants of twotime treatment with agents; Agat 25 K and PMK-ZR, the excess of control was, respectively: 5.4 and 5.5 thousand m2/ha. The optimal yield of dry matter according to its determination in the flowering phase was in the Zdobna variety with two-time treatment with agents: Agat 25 K and PMK-ZR, the indicator was 8.2 and 8.1 t/ha, and the excess of control was 0.9 t/ha. It was established that the winter wheat variety Zdobna was characterized by the maximum photosynthetic potential of 0.79–0.88 thousand m2/ha × day, the maximum effect was obtained from two-time treatment with the agent Agat 25 K with an increase compared to the control of 0.9 thousand m2/ha × day. Conclusions. The agent Trichodermin was more effective in seed treatment for all studied varieties. Agat 25 K biofungicide provided the greatest effect on seed + sowing variants, the excess of controls was in the range of 0.7–0.9 t/ha. The Ariivka wheat variety showed the maximum reaction to the agents. Optimum crop yield increases of 0.9–1.0 t/ha were provided by the preparation PMK-ZR, when applied in a two-time treatment (seeds+sowing). The highest yield rate of 6.4 t/ha was obtained in the Zdobna variety, but the best reaction to the use of the agent was noted in the Ariivka variety.


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