Keywords: productivity, adaptive technologies, agrometeorological resources, crop structure.


Purpose. The purpose was to summarize the results of experiments on increasing the resistance of winter grain crops to adverse weather conditions and, based on them, to improve adaptive technologies for growing winter grain crops in the conditions of the North-Eastern Forest Steppe of Ukraine. It is important to rationally use agrometeorological resources, to determine the optimal terms of work according to the elements of cultivation technology. This will contribute to the growth of productivity, gross grain collection and increase the sustainability of agriculture.. Methods. Field experiments are supplemented by laboratory studies. Methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the obtained data. Statistical processing of yield data was carried out by the method of dispersion analysis using the Statistica for Windows, Microsoft Excel software package. Related observations, records and analyzes were carried out according to the “Methodology of the State Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops”. Results. During the winter period of 2019–2020, there were satisfactory conditions for overwintering winter crops. Since the plants during most of this time did not experience the negative effects of low temperatures, they were adequately supplied with moisture and resumed vital processes during daylight hours. Such conditions were in favor of winter crops of late sowing periods, on a significant part of which the plants reached the bushing phase already in the winter period. At the same time, the height of the plants did not change to a large extent, but the formation of new shoots was observed. the yield of winter wheat according to the sowing dates (on average by varieties) was obtained as follows: September 1 – 5.72 t/ha, September 10 – 5.54 t/ha, September 20 – 5.41 t/ha, October 1 – 5, 45 t/ha, October 10 – 4.87 t/ha, October 20 – 5.11 t/ha, November 1 – 5.06 t/ha. The most productive among winter wheat varieties in 2020 were the Kraevyd and Pylypivka varieties. The yield of which, depending on the time of sowing, varied between 6.18–6.88 t/ha and 5.53–6.30 t/ha, respectively. Bohdana (4.13–5.33 t/ha) and Svitanok Myronivskyi (3.78– 4.88 t/ha) varieties were characterized by the lowest yield in the experiment. The yield of winter barley varied depending on the time of sowing in the range of 4.19–5.44 t/ha. The best conditions for forming the productivity of winter barley in the current year were created for sowing on October 1. Conclusions. The yield of winter wheat by sowing dates (on average by varieties) was obtained as follows: September 1 – 5.72 t/ha, September 10 – 5.54 t/ha, September 20 – 5.41 t/ha, October 1 – 5, 45 t/ha, October 10 – 4.87 t/ha, October 20 – 5.11 t/ha, November 1 – 5.06 t/ha. The most productive among the winter wheat varieties were the Kraevyd and Pylypivka varieties. The yield of which, depending on the time of sowing, varied between 6.18–6.88 t/ha and 5.53–6.30 t/ha, respectively. Bohdana (4.13–5.33 t/ha) and Svitanok Myronivskyi (3.78–4.88 t/ha) varieties were characterized by the lowest yield in the experiment. The yield of winter barley varied depending on the time of sowing in the range of 4.19–5.44 t/ha. The best conditions for forming the productivity of winter barley in the current year were created for sowing on October 1.


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