Keywords: hybrid, line-parental component, productivity, conditionally net profit, profitability, cost price, cost price.


Purpose. To find out the economic evaluation of the cultivation of parental component lines and hybrids of corn of different FAO groups when grown in the conditions of the Central Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Research methods. Two-factor field experiment, methods of mathematical statistics, economic calculations. Results. According to the results of the analysis of the economic indicators of the cultivation of parent lines of corn hybrids, it was established that the highest value of gross production from 1 ha was obtained by sowing the parent line AV-30B at a density of 70 thousand plants/ha – UAH 129.34/ha. In this version, the lowest cost price of one ton of grain was also established – UAH 10.01 thousand/t. The cost of gross production from 1 hectare at different densities was the maximum in the line-parent component AB-30B and amounted to 110.23 to 118.88 thousand hryvnias/ha according to the variants of the experiment, slightly less in the parent component ОР-32А – 107.69 -117.63 thousand hryvnias/ ha, less in the parent ОР-28А – 100.98–111.53 thousand hryvnias/ha, the lowest cost of gross production was in the line ОР-26А – 90.08–99.54 thousand hryvnias. UAH/ha. Taking into account the production costs of growing corn, it should be noted that the most profitable and the least expensive agromeasure turned out to be such a factor as plant density. Due to the increase in the yield of corn grain and the reduction of technological costs, the net profit is 90.08–118.88 thousand hryvnias per hectare. The results of the calculations of the economic efficiency of the cultivation of corn hybrids indicate that the cost of the gross production of hybrids of the culture varied in a wide range: from 43,000 hryvnias/ha for the Zedan 26 hybrid at a plant density of 70,000 plants/ha to 60,9600 hryvnias UAH/ha for the Zedan 32 hybrid at a plant density of 80,000 plants/ ha. Conclusions. Taking into account the production costs of growing lines – parent components of corn hybrids, it should be noted that the most profitable and the least costly agromeasure turned out to be such a factor as plant density. Due to the increase in the grain yield of corn lines and the reduction of technological costs, the net profit will be 90.08–117.63 thousand hryvnias per hectare. The highest conditionally net profit and profitability of the parent component AB-30B at a density of 80 thousand plants/ha – 118.88 thousand UAH/ha and 255%, respectively. The highest conditionally net profit and profitability of the parent component ОР-26А at a plant density of 100 thousand plants/ha – 99.54 thousand UAH/ha and 232%, respectively. The highest conditionally net profit and profitability in the AB-20B line was at a plant density of 90 thousand plants/ ha – 110.32 thousand UAH/ha and 249%, respectively. The highest conditionally net profit and profitability in the OR-28A line at a plant density of 90 thousand plants/ha – 111.53 thousand UAH/ha and 251%, respectively. The highest conditionally net profit and profitability in the OR-32A line at a plant density of 80 thousand plants/ha – 117.63 thousand UAH/ha and 252%, respectively. The cost of gross production of hybrids of the culture ranged from 43,000 hryvnias/ha in the Zedan 26 hybrid at a plant density of 70,000 plants/ha to 60,960 hryvnias/ha in the Zedan 32 hybrid at a plant density of 80,000 plants/ha Ha. The lowest production cost was for the Zedan 32 hybrid at a density of 80,000 plants/ha – 1.29,000 UAH/t. The maximum value of conditional net profit – 41.26 thousand hryvnias/ ha, was observed in the mid-ripening hybrid Zedan 32 at a density of 80 thousand plants/ha. The indicator of the level of profitability was the maximum – 197, 209% at densities of 90 and 80 thousand plants/ha in the mid-ripening hybrid Zedan 32.


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