Keywords: line–parental component, FAO group, corn, yield, moisture.


The purpose. To establish the effect of sowing dates on yield, grain moisture content of the parent line components of corn hybrids of different FAO groups. Methods. Twofactor field experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. During the 2019–2021 research, the «seed yield» indicator for hybrids of different FAO groups varied depending on the sowing dates from 2.43 to 4.44 t/ha. The moisture content of the seeds of all lines-parental components of corn hybrids of different FAO groups at the time of harvesting was in the range from 12.9 to 22.9%. The maximum data of the “grain moisture” indicator – 14.9–22.9% in all corn lines were observed during sowing on May 15, the minimum grain moisture indicators of 12.9–15.1% were observed during sowing on April 15. Regarding the dependence of the harvest moisture on the FAO groups of the line, a pattern was observed: the minimum grain moisture characteristic of the ОР–26А line is 12.9–15.4%, the maximum grain moisture is 13.9–22.9% in the ОР–32А (FAO 320) and AB–30B (FAO 320) lines. Conclusions. Each group of FAO line-parent components of corn hybrids, in the conditions of the Central Steppe of Ukraine, has its own optimal sowing period. The midgermination line OR-26A (FAO 240) showed the maximum seed yield in 2019, 2021 for sowing on 05.05 – 3.61, 3.65 t/ha, in 2020 for sowing on 05.10-15.05 – 3.59 t/ha. The medium-germinating line AB-20B (FAO 260) showed the maximum seed yield in 2019, 2021 for sowing on 05.05 – 3.71, 3.72 t/ha, in 2020 for sowing on 05.15 – 3.70 t/ha. The mid-germination line OR-28A (FAO 260) showed the maximum seed yield in 2019, 2021 for sowing on 05.05 – 3.96, 4.11 t/ha, in 2020 for sowing on 05.15 – 3.87 t/ha. The mid-germination line OR-32A (FAO 320) showed the maximum seed yield in 2019, 2021 for sowing on 05.05 – 4.37, 4.35 t/ha, in 2020 for sowing on 05.15 – 4.40 t/ha. Medium-germinating line AB-30B (FAO 320) showed the maximum seed yield in 2019, 2021 for sowing on May 5 – 4.40, 4.42 t/ha, in 2020 for sowing on May 15 – 4.44 t/ha. The minimum seed moisture values of 12.9–15.1% were observed for sowing on April 15, the minimum seed moisture characteristic of the ОР–26А line was 12.9–15.4%.


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