Keywords: variety, herbicides, height of attachment of the first bean, number of beans per plant, number of seeds from one plant, weight of seeds from one plant, weight of 1000 seeds.


The purpose of our research was to study the impact of herbicide protection on the formation of elements of the crop structure of soybean varieties. Methods. Field, analytical and statistical. The research was conducted in 2021–2022 in the conditions of “Savarske” Obukhiv district Kyiv region. Scheme of the experiment. Factor A. Varieties of soybeans. 1. Aurelina 2. EС Commandоr 3. EС Navigator. Factor B. Herbicides. 1. Control (water treatment) 2. Primekstra TZ Gold 500 k. s. (4.5 l/ha), before the emergence of crop seedlings. 3. Frontier Optima (1.2 l/ha) + Stomp 330 (5 l/ha), before the emergence of crop seedlings. 4. Bazagran (3 l/ha) + Fusilade Forte 150 EC (1 l/ha) in the phase of 4-5 leaves of the crop. 5. Korum (2 l/ha) + Achiba (2 l/ha), in the phase of 2-4 leaves of the crop. The total area of the elementary plot is 144 m2, the accounting plot is 120 m2. The experiment repeated three times. Results. The influence of varietal characteristics, weather conditions and the used of herbicides on the formation of indicators of the elements of the structure of the soybean crop has been established. The highest values of the elements of the crop structure were obtained in 2021 and in 2022 there was a decrease in the height of the attachment of the first bean by 14.2–28.6% the number of beans per plant by 15.6–32.4% the number of seeds per plant by 8.3–27.4% the mass of seeds from one plant by 18.8–32.9% the mass of 1000 seeds by 6.3–14.8%, compared to the previous year. There was no significant difference of the indicator “height of attachment of the first bean” between varieties and variants with the use of herbicides (LCD05 1.4 cm in 2021 and 1.2 cm in 2022). A high positive correlation was noted between the amount of precipitation, air temperature and the height of attachment of the first bean (r=0.89 and 0.72) the number of beans on a soybean plant (r=0.78 and 0.85) the weight of seeds from one plant (r=0.87 and 0.85) and weight of 1000 seeds (r=0.84 and 0.77). The number of seeds per plant has an inverse negative relationship (r=-0.21 and -0.26) with the amount of precipitation and air temperature. Conclusions. The use of herbicide protection contributed to a significant increase in the indicators of the elements of the crop structure in the studied soybean varieties, compared to the control. Their maximum values were obtained on variants with the used of post-emergence herbicides Korum (2l/ha) and Achiba (2l/ha). On average, over the years of research, the highest values of the height of attachment of the first bean were obtained in the Aurelina variety (13 cm) the weight of 1000 seeds in the EC Commander variety (172 g) the number of beans per plant (24 pcs) the number of seeds from one plant (43 pcs) and the weight of seeds from one plant (7.5 g) in the EC Navigator variety.


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