Keywords: coefficient of variation, sowing period, sowing rate, number of plants, research results.


Purpose. To determine the germination and survival of clary sage plants depending on the timing of sowing and the rate of seed sowing. To set the coefficient of variation for the spring and summer sowing period depending on the seed sowing rate. Methods. In the process of carrying out the research, a combination of general scientific methods was used: hypothesis, observation, analysis; and special methods: analytical methods of research, data of field experiments. Experimental indicators were processed by the methods of mathematical statistics according to V.O. Yeshchenko. Results. The article presents the results of research on the influence of sowing dates and seed sowing rates on germination and plant survival during the years 2018–2022, carried out in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe. According to the results of the study, it was established that the highest rate of seed germination was obtained during the spring sowing period – 95% and the seed sowing rate of 8 kg/ha, while the summer sowing period – 10 kg/ha, which was 72%, was less favorable for seed germination. Data on these options exceeded the control option (6 kg/ha) by 4 and 11%, respectively. The number of plants per hectare ranged from 800 000 to 1 428 571.4 plants. The coefficient of variation for the spring sowing period was 12.91%, and for the summer sowing period was 10.85%. It was determined that the survival of clary sage plants during the years of research ranged from 90 to 99%. At the seed sowing rate of 8 kg/ha after overwintering, survival during the spring sowing period was 96%, and during the summer was 94%. It was established that the coefficient of variation of plant survival after overwintering during the spring sowing period is 1.77%, and during the summer sowing period it is 2.34%. The coefficient of variation at the end of the vegetation period for the spring period is 2.27%, and for the summer period is 2.39% Conclusions. It has been proved that spring (second decade of April) was more effective among the sowing dates; according to the obtained experimental indicators of research, the similarity and survival of plants are determined. This indicates the expediency of growing clary sage as a medicinal, essential oil, two-year herbaceous plant.


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