Keywords: agrophysical soil parameters, differentiated system, tillage, crop rotation.


Purpose. To determine the effectiveness of different methods and depth of the main tillage for crop rotation crops and to determine their impact on agrophysical parameters on the background of long-term use of various tillage systems. Methods. The research was carried out in a stationary experiment in a 4-field chain of grain-row crop rotation, deployed in time and space. Field, quantitativeweighing, visual, laboratory, calculation-comparative, and mathematical-statistical methods were applied using methods generally recognized in Ukraine and the requirements of state standards. Results. It was established that under the multi-depth shelf system of soil cultivation with a loosening depth of 14–16 to 28–30 cm and differentiated with shallow disk loosening to a depth of 10–12 to 14–16 cm and one for the rotation of the crop rotation by slitting with a depth of 38–40 cm, the density the composition of the soil was the lowest and amounted to 1.26–1.28 g/cm3. The highest values of soil water permeability were noted under the multi-depth shelf system both at the beginning and at the end of the growing season of crops – 4.3 and 3.8 mm/ min, respectively. According to the results of crop rotation crop records, it was established that under the differentiated system on the background of 38–40 cm deep slitting, the productivity of all crop rotations was higher than the control (multi-depth shelf cultivation): corn by 1.02 t/ha, winter rapeseed by 0, 07 t/ha, winter wheat by 0.24 t/ha, and soybeans by 0.29 t/ha, which ensured an increase in crop rotation productivity by 6.3%. Conclusions. The use of a soil-protecting and energy-saving system of differentiated main tillage with one split to a depth of 38–40 cm provides optimal values of agrophysical parameters of dark chestnut soil (compact density, porosity, and water permeability), under which short-rotation agricultural crops on the Ingulets irrigated massif form the highest yield and productivity crop rotation, which was 119.1 GJ of gross energy per 1 ha of crop rotation area in the years of research.


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