Keywords: nutritional regime, fertilizers, crop rotation, long-term use of fertilizers, mobile compounds of nutrients.


Aim. To determine the agrochemical properties of the podzolic chernozem of the Right-Bank forest-steppe under long-term use of mineral fertilizers. Methods. Field, laboratory, measuring, calculation-comparative, analysis, statistical. Results. Studies have established that the intensity of long-term fertilizer application affected the structure of the soil absorption complex of podzolic chernozem. The application of mineral fertilizers significantly increased soil acidity, which is associated with a decrease in the saturation of GWC with carbonates. Depending on the doses of mineral fertilizers, the pHKCL of the soil solution decreased by 0.3–0.4 units. Soil acidity did not change due to the application of phosphoric fertilizers on a nitrogen-potassium background. Along with the exchangeable acidity, the use of mineral fertilizers increased the hydrolytic acidity of the soil – up to 3.76–3.84 smol/kg depending on fertilizer variant. At the same time, it should be noted that phosphorus fertilizers did not significantly affect the increase in hydrolytic soil acidity. Nutrient content in the soil of different experiment variants was determined by the direct effect of fertilizers that were applied directly to the crop rotation and the aftereffect of fertilizers that were applied in crop rotation in previous years. Conclusions. Long-term (11 years) use of phosphorus fertilizers in combination with other types in the dose of P60 in field crop rotation helps to increase the content of mobile phosphorus compounds in the soil by 8% compared to the original value, and with the introduction of P30 – to maintain its initial content. It was established that under different agrochemical loads there are minor changes in GWC capacity, but its structural restructuring takes place. In the variants with the introduction of phosphorus fertilizers, soil physical and chemical parameters do not change. In fertilizer omitted areas, the content of mobile phosphorus compounds in the soil decreased by 24% compared to the initial value, and with the introduction of P60 per 1 ha of the crop rotation area, it increased by 8%.


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