Keywords: peas, productivity, fertilization system, agronomic efficiency.


Purpose. To study the effectiveness of different doses of mineral fertilizers when applied to peas under winter sowing in arid conditions of the Southern Steppe. Methods. In temporary experiments during 2020–2023, the influence of fertilization systems on the formation of pea yield of winter sowing was studied. Peas of the Enduro variety were sown every year on October 20 with a "Maple‑1.5 C" planter with a row spacing of 15 cm, a seeding rate of 1.2 million/ha, a plot size of 10x1.5 m; predecessor of soft winter wheat. Repetition – fourfold. The results. The average yield of pea grain for winter sowing according to fertilizer options was as follows: 2021 – 3.98 t/ha (+45.9% compared to the option without fertilizers); 2022 – 1.87 t/ha (+24.6%) and 2023 – 3.95 t/ha (+60.6%). The effectiveness of the effect of fertilizers on the formation of the winter pea crop was determined by the type of fertilizer and the conditions of the moisture supply of the growing season: on average, over the years of research, the largest yield increases were obtained when using complete mineral fertilizer N30P40K40 and N45P40K40, 66.4% and 59.6%; application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers with a dose of P40K40 ensured an increase in productivity by 1.22 t/ha (54.7%); the effectiveness of nitrogen-potassium fertilizers is comparatively higher than nitrogen-phosphorus by 6.1% and 7.6%, respectively, at nitrogen doses of 30 kg/ha and 60 kg/ha. Installed: additional yield of grain per unit of area per unit of active substance of fertilizers decreases with increasing dose of mineral fertilizer application; payback of 1 kg d.r. of mineral nitrogen when it is applied as a mono fertilizer is higher than a complete mineral fertilizer with the corresponding dose of nitrogen; the agronomic efficiency of fertilization systems depends on precipitation during the periods of growth and development of peas for winter sowing. Conclusions. The introduction of mineral fertilizers during the sowing of winter peas in the arid conditions of the Southern Steppe helps to increase the productivity of the crop. The largest increases in grain yield (1.48– 1.33 t/ha) were obtained when using complete mineral fertilizer N30-45P40K40. The average agronomic efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers in the N30 – N45 – N60 series over three years was 18.7–14.7–11.5 kg of grain per unit of active substance, and in the series N30P40K40 – N45P40K40 – N60P40K40 – 13.4–10.6–9.5. The productivity of winter-sowing peas and the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers are determined by the availability of moisture during the growing season (r=0.89, 0.62, 0.65). The greater the dose of mineral fertilizers, the greater the effect of autumn precipitation on their effectiveness, and when only nitrogen fertilizers are used, the proportion of precipitation increases by 4.2 times when going from N30 to N60, and by 1 when going from N30P40K40 to N60P40K40, 8 times.


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