Keywords: germination energy, laboratory germination, germination rate, seedling vigour, germination index.


Purpose. The рurpose of the research was to study the regularities of manifestation and formation of sowing qualities of seeds of legume and grain crops. Methods. Laboratory (determination of indicators of seed sowing qualities) and statistical (processing of research results) methods were used. The material for the research was seed samples of five legume crops – chickpea, chickling vetch, lentil, red lentil and mung bean; seed samples of five grain crops – spring barley, spring durum wheat, spring soft wheat, spring filmy oats, spring naked oats. The following parameters were studied: germination energy, laboratory germination, germination rate, seedling vigour and germination index. Statistical processing of the research results included correlation analysis using Statistica software. Results. According to the research results, the highest seed germination energy was recorded for mung bean (96 %), laboratory germination – for chickling vetch and mung bean (100 %). Mung bean was also characterised by the highest seedling vigour (33.3 %) with the shortest period of seed germination (2.2 days). Mung bean had the highest germination index (0.32). The correlation analysis revealed a close correlation between the germination rate and the germination energy, laboratory germination and seedling vigour (r=-0.72...-0.81). The germination index was characterised by a direct strong correlation with the germination rate (r=0.99). Conclusions. Legume seeds had higher indicators of germination energy, laboratory germination, seedling vigour and lower indicators of germination index and germination rate compared to grain seeds. In terms of seed quality, mung bean was distinguished among legumes, and naked oats among grain crops.


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