Keywords: food security, physical availability of food, economic availability of food, food independence, economic security, agricultural production.


Purpose. The purpose of the conducted research was to determine the components and directions of food security management in the structure of the economic security of the state. The results. The priority tasks of state management bodies include timely forecasting and detection of threats to food security, reduction of negative consequences thanks to strategic food reserves. It is necessary to organize a comprehensive system of observation, collection, processing, systematization of information on the quality and safety of food products, production, management of stocks and supply of food, consumption of food by the population (perhaps this is a matter of the state analytical agency). Thanks to the use of modern means of communication (Internet, mobile communication, etc.), it is possible to create state information resources in the field of ensuring food safety. It is mandatory to organize the notification of producers and the provision of consulting services by state bodies and advisory services about state support programs for the industry (implementation schemes), mechanisms for regulating agricultural product markets. The conducted research helped to determine the proven direction of solving the food problem – increasing food production in two ways: the first – extensive – expansion of arable, pasture and other lands, the second – intensive – increasing the biological productivity of existing lands. In developing countries, the intensification of agriculture is associated with biotechnology, the use of high-yielding varieties (the so-called "green revolution") and new methods of soil cultivation, further development of mechanization, land reclamation. Conclusions. The primary function of the state is to guarantee the food security of each country, because only under the control of state bodies is possible sustainable production of food products, openness of obtaining and use at the expense of personal production and imports. The state can take care of food stocks by using support systems for producers of basic food products, export regulation and tariff policy. An important criterion of the country's socially oriented economy is the degree of compliance with food security. The economic development of the country, the rate of growth of the gross domestic product, the quality of life of the population, life expectancy and its growth are directly proportional to the level of food security.


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