Keywords: nitrogen nutrition, productivity, nitrogen loses, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen, urea-ammonia solution, denitrification.


Purpose. To study the effect of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4‑dimethylpyrazole phosphate applied together with UAN‑32 (urea-ammonia solution) on the yield of corn in 20182021. Methods. During 20182021, research was conducted in the conditions of the Druzhba Nova scientific research center of the Varvinsky District, Chernihiv Region. (department of the Kernel agricultural holding) on typical lowhumus black soil. One-factor experiment, control – (without nitrogen fertilizers). Background – N32P30K42 in combination with UAN‑32 at a rate of 350 kg/ha without nitrification inhibitor (in the spring after vegetation recovery), variant N32P30K42 plus UAN‑32 at a rate of 350 kg/ha with the addition with nitrification inhibitor and variant N32P30K42 compatible with a reduced rate of UAN‑32 at a rate of 300 kg/ha ha with nitrification inhibitor. Results. Experiments confirmed that the use of nitrification inhibitor in combination with UAN‑32 significantly affected the yield of corn. At the same rate of UAN‑32 at 350 kg/ha, the option using nitrification inhibitor showed an increase in yield by 5,5 c/ha or 6.1% compared to the option using UAN‑32 at the same rate of 350 kg/ha without nitrification inhibitor. The option with a reduced rate of UAN‑32 up to 300 kg/ha with nitrification inhibitor compared to the option with an increased rate of UAN‑32 in 350 kg/ha but without nitrification inhibitor showed an increase in yield at the level of 7,8 c/ha or 8,7% in average for 4 years of studies 20182021. Conclusions. It was established that the increase in corn yield on the variants using nitrification inhibitor in combination with UAN‑32 compared to the control (without nitrogen fertilizers) was 13,8–16,1 c/ha (17,0–19,8%) and on the variants with using nitrification inhibitor in combination with UAN‑32 in comparison with the variant with UAN‑32 but without nitrification inhibitor, an increase in corn yield was in the range of 9,5–11,8 c/ha (11,1–13,8%) in average over 4 years of research in 20182021.


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