Keywords: popping expansion, volume of popcorn from 1 ha, types of popcorn, popping, unpopped kernels.


The aim of the work was the selection of new popcorn hybrids with high yield and technological indicators of grain. The research material was 170 popcorn hybrids selected by the SE Institute of Grain Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. The experiment was conducted at the Synelnykivska breeding and research station during 2021–2022. As a result of the research, it was established that popcorn hybrids had statistically significant differences in yield and popping expansion. On average, the yield of popcorn hybrids ranged from 2.05 to 4.56 t/ha, and popping expansion ranged from 34.5 to 52.3 cm3/g. The hybrids Zyklon × RS 19 – 4.56 t/ha, Zyklon × IKR 15-2 – 4.38 t/ha, and Zyklon × IKR 11-9 – 4.35 t/ha were the best in yield. The hybrids Coral × IKR 8-2 – 52.3 cm3/g, Cyclone × IKR 36-3 – 50.5 cm3/g, Cyclone × RR 1 – 50.5 cm3/g were the best in popping expansion. To overcome the contradiction between the yield of grain and the quality of popcorn, we used the super trait, that is, we calculated the volume of popcorn from 1 ha of sowing. The best hybrids exceeded the Shans standard by 26.3–59.9 m3/ha in the volume of popcorn from 1 ha of sowing; by 0.16–0.97 t/ha in yield and by 1.8–7.4 cm3/g in popping expansion. Popcorn obtained from these hybrids had taste qualities of 4.3–5 points, and the number of unpopped kernels was 0.0–2.9%. So, the best for the production of glazed popcorn is the three-line yellow grain hybrid Zyklon × RK 72, which is characterized by the following indicators: yield – 4.07 t/ha, popping expansion – 47.4 cm3/g, size – 57 kernels in 10 g, 100% popping, unilateral popcorn flakes, taste – 4.3 points. For making popcorn at home, we recommend the three-line red grain hybrid Shans × RR 2 with the following indicators: yield – 3.93 t/h, popping expansion – 45.8 cm3/g, size – 91 kernels in 10 g, the number of unpopped kernels – 2.9%, taste – 5 points.


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