Keywords: sunflower, hybrid, ecologically safe preparations, plant density, economic efficiency, profitability, cost price.


Purpose. To conduct an analysis of the economic effectiveness of the use of environmentally safe multifunctional drugs in technological schemes of sunflower cultivation under non-irrigated conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine. Research methods. Field experiments were conducted during 2021–2022 in non-irrigated conditions on the chernozems of the southern experimental field of the Mykolayiv DSDS of the IKOSG of the National Academy of Sciences. In a three-factor field experiment, the influence of various biological preparations and plant stand density on the productivity of sunflower hybrids was studied, where factor A is the sunflower hybrids selected by the Plant Breeding Institute. V.Ya. Yuryeva National Academy of Sciences – Vyriy, Yarylo, Blysk, Bright and Epicurus; factor B – different plant densities (30, 40 and 50 thousand/ha) and factor C – treatment of vegetative plants in the budding phase with biological preparations (Helafit Combi, Organic Balance and Biocomplex BTU). The field experiment is located along the predecessor of winter wheat. Fertilizers were applied under the main tillage in a dose of N30P30K30. Sowing is carried out with a row spacing of 70 cm in the last decade of April. The formation of plant stand density was carried out manually, the actual yield obtained was calculated based on the basic humidity (8%) and taking into account the presence of impurities. Experimental data were processed by the method of multivariate variance analysis according to V.O. Ushkarenko. Modeling of yield formation was carried out using the license program "Statistica 8.0". All calculations from the economic analysis were carried out based on the prices of material and technical resources and the cost of products as of the end of 2022. Research results. The research results established that the main factor that limits the realization of the potential yield of sunflower hybrids in the conditions of the south of the Steppe zone of Ukraine is the lack of moisture supply. The weather conditions of the 2021–2022 research years can be classified as mediumarid typical for this growing zone, but the conditions for moisture supply in 2022 for the sunflower vegetation can be classified as difficult and unfavorable. The results of field studies have proven that foliar treatment with various biological preparations is an effective and efficient way to improve the conditions of plant development, which are capable of increasing the level of realization of the genetic potential of the agrocenosis as a whole. The results of the two-year research proved that Yarylo, Epicurus and Bright hybrids were significantly inferior in terms of productivity to the Blysk and Vyrii hybrids as a whole according to the experiment in all variants. However, foliar treatment of plants with biological agents of these hybrids also had a related tendency to increase their productivity. The lowest yield according to the experiment in 2021 (1.66 t/ha) was formed by the Epicure hybrid on the control variant with a pre-harvest density of 30 thousand units/ha, and in 2022 – (1.51 t/ha) also on this variant. Also, the low productivity in 2022 was formed by options where sowing was carried out at the rate of 50,000 units/ha with Yarylo (1.55 t/ha) and Epicur (1.58 t/ha) hybrids. The most profitable was the cultivation of Blysk and Vyrii sunflower hybrids in variants with a pre-harvest density of 40,000 units/ha with treatment of plants with biological preparations. The highest level of profitability (25.59%) and the maximum level of net profit (5,088 hryvnias/ha) according to the experiment was achieved in the variant of sunflower sowing with the Vyriy hybrid with a density of 40 thousand units/ ha and the treatment of spiny plants with Helafit Combi. Conclusions. Foliar treatment of plants with biological preparations at all studied pre-harvest densities always improved the economic indicators of crop cultivation. The level of profitability constantly increased compared to the control variant, and the cost of 1 ton of seeds decreased. The most profitable was the cultivation of Blysk and Vyrii hybrids in variants with a density of 40,000 units/ha and treatment of plants with biological preparations. The highest level of profitability (25.59%) and the maximum level of net profit (5,088 hryvnias/ha) according to the experiment was achieved in the option of sowing the Vyriy hybrid with a density of 40,000 units/ha and the treatment of spiny plants with Helafit Combi.


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