Keywords: barley varieties, leaf surface area, net productivity of photosynthesis, photosynthetic potential, nutrition optimization.


Goal. Determine the photosynthetic activity of winter barley according to research results. Establish the impact on its components conducted during 2016–2019. biological features of the variety and nutrition optimization. The research used a resource-saving nutrition system based on the use of modern biological products for foliar feeding in the main growing seasons. Methods. Varieties of winter barley were grown on the southern chernozem in the research fields of the Educational and Scientific-Practical Center of Mykolayiv NAU, which has an average supply of mobile nitrogen and is high in phosphorus and potassium. Winter barley was sown after peas. The experiment is two-factor: factor A – served varieties: Worthy (st), Valkyrie, Oscar and Jason; Factor B – biological products for fertilization – Azotofit, Mykofriend, Melanoriz and Organic Balance. The study with the latest biological product was conducted during the last two years of 2017–2019. The growth processes of plants were studied. This article presents the results of research to determine the leaf surface area of winter barley varieties, net productivity of photosynthesis and photosynthetic potential of sowing in the dynamics of the main phases of the growing season. All elements of technology, sampling of plants, their definition, were carried out in accordance with the guidelines and DSTU. Results. According to the results of three years of research with winter barley (four varieties were grown) on optimization of plant nutrition on the basis of resource conservation, it was found that foliar fertilization with modern biological products had a positive effect on barley growth, in particular increased leaf area and increased photosynthesis. Mineral fertilizers for barley were not applied, because the crop was sown after growing peas. All components that determine the photosynthetic activity of plants, namely: leaf surface area, net productivity of photosynthesis and photosynthetic potential of sowing, under the influence of nutrition optimization were also optimized compared to control (for treatment of crops with water). It was determined that the maximum size of the leaf surface area of plants of all studied varieties of winter barley reached during earing. Carrying out foliar fertilization with biological products twice during the growing season in the phase of spring tillering and at the beginning of the emergence of plants in the tube increased this figure compared to a single treatment in the first phase. The most influential in increasing all the studied factors of photosynthetic activity was the use of Nitrogen and Organic Balance for fertilization. Of the varieties studied, Oscar and Valkyrie responded more. Close correlation-regression dependences have been established between the leaf surface area of the studied winter barley varieties and grain yield levels. Conclusions. It was found that the optimization of nutrition had a positive effect on all components that characterize the work of photosynthetic processes of plants: in particular, the area of their assimilation surface. This indicator depended and varied on the effect of the biological product used for fertilization, phase and amount of fertilization, variety characteristics, weather conditions of the year of cultivation.


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