Keywords: winter wheat, biological preparation, variety, plant height, resistance to lodging and drought, productivity.


The goal is to establish the influence of varietal characteristics and pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biological preparations on the growth and development of winter wheat plants when grown in the conditions of Southern Ukraine. Methods. Experimental research was carried out during 2020–2022 at the research field of the Educational-Scientific-Practical Center of Mykolaiv NAU. The research material was 10 varieties of soft winter wheat. The technology of their cultivation, with the exception of the investigated factors, was generally accepted according to the existing zonal recommendations for the southern Steppe of Ukraine. The area of the sowing plot is 50 m2, the accounting plot is 26 m2, the repetition is 4 times, the placement of plots by the method of incomplete randomization. The scheme of the experiment included the following options: Factor A – varieties of winter wheat (10 options); Factor B – biological preparations: control (water treatment), Azotophyt-r, Phytocid-r, Azotophyt-r and Phytocid-r. The results. On average, the winter wheat plants in the variant with pre-sowing seed treatment with biological preparations Azotophyt-r and Phytocid-r formed a higher height of winter wheat plants. It was established that the winter wheat varieties Duma Odeska and Rodzynka Odeska had high resistance to lodging – 8–9 points, respectively, and the varieties Khersonska 99 (8,7 points) and Rodzynka Odeska (8,8 points) were more resistant to drought. On average, according to the options of presowing seed treatment, the winter wheat variety Liga Odeska formed a grain yield at the level of 5,66 t/ha, which exceeded the indicators of other researched varieties by 0,9–18,9%. Conclusions. Research has established that the yield of soft winter wheat grain largely depends and varies under the influence of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biological preparations and varietal characteristics of the crop. Of the bacterial preparations studied by us, the highest yield was formed by the winter wheat variety Liga Odeska with the combined pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biopreparations Azotophyt-r and Phytocid-r, and the lowest – by the variety Versiya Odeska in the control variant.


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