Fruit crops occupy an important place in the diet of Ukrainians, and their cultivation is widespread. In the vast majority of the territory of Ukraine, peaches can be cultivated in private and industrial plantations. Stable fruit growing is possible with the development of zonal farming systems, which ensure the rational use of production resources and the bioclimatic potential of a certain region. At the same time, both the set of intensification factors and their role in the formation of the crop differ significantly depending on the zone, the level of soil fertility, the use of the biological potential of the variety, the provision of technology with material resources, etc. Domestic and foreign experience shows that the use of modern technologies for growing fruit crops at the current stage of agricultural development makes it possible to obtain high and stable yields in areas with favorable soil and climatic conditions. Today, modern frost-resistant varieties perfectly winter in Ukraine even in twenty-degree frosts. With proper care, you can get a harvest of large peaches with excellent taste qualities – every year. Varietal peaches bear fruit for at least 20 years, and some trees even more than fifty years. A peach enters the fruiting stage 2–3 years after planting, but it also depends on the variety and age of the seedling. During the flowering period, peach trees attract a large number of bees. But it happens that after flowering peach leaves and young growth begin to deform. Then the foliage completely curls and falls off. The growth of young shoots stops, the ovary falls off, the development of seedlings slows down, and the growth of an adult tree is suppressed. Then young leaves and shoots appear again, but they do not have time to ripen before autumn and freeze over in winter. All these are manifestations of a fungal disease. Ideal conditions for the active development of curliness of peach leaves are a relatively warm winter and a rainy, cool spring. These are the weather conditions we have been observing for the past few years. Therefore, an important agrotechnical measure is the prevention of this disease, because it is better to prevent it than to treat the trees later . The purpose of the conducted research was to establish the effectiveness of the currently popular means of combating leaf curl on peach trees, ways to increase yield and fruit quality. The object of research is the processes of pathogen development and its impact on crop yield depending on the elements of technology and climatic conditions of cultivation in the conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine. The subject of research is common peach (Persica vulgaris) varieties T-3, Royal Pride, Big Top. As a result of the conducted research, the effectiveness of the application of methods of chemical protection of peaches against the most harmful disease – peach curl, as well as the effect of complex micro fertilizers on the resistance of trees to diseases and the quality of the harvest was established.
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