Keywords: sowing period, plant density, maturity groups, productivity, leaf surface area, photosynthetic potential.


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the influence of technology elements on the leaf surface area, to determine the photosynthetic potential of soybean crops of different maturity groups and to calculate correlationregression models of their influence on seed yield under irrigation conditions. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. The field work included the layout of the experimental site and field work. The laboratory method was used for plant analysis. Research results were calculated using a statistical method. Results. Soybean varieties differed significantly in terms of "leaf surface area". In early varieties: Monarch, Arnica, the leaf surface area was 26.9–34.3 thousand m2/ha, in early ripening varieties Pysanka, Sofia – 34.0–38.5 thousand m2/ha, in mid-early varieties Svyatogor, Eurydika the leaf surface area was 43.2–48.1 thousand m2/ha. There is a strong positive relationship between the area of the leaf surface in the phase of its maximum manifestation and the productivity of soybean seeds at different sowing times. The correlation coefficients were within r=0.822-0.855 for all sowing periods. Extrapolation of the leaf surface area beyond the limits of experimental data (the maximum area in the experiments is 49.7 thousand m2/ha) allows predicting the yield of soybean seeds of more than 4.5 t/ha. Calculations of correlation-regression models of photosynthetic potential and yield of soybean seeds at different sowing times showed that there is a strong positive relationship between these parameters. A strong correlation of productivity with photosynthetic potential was observed for all sowing periods in the totality of studied varieties. The correlation coefficients were in the range of r=0.744–0.889, which indicates the need to increase the area of the soybean leaf surface with technological measures. Correlationregression dependences of soybean seed yield and photosynthetic potential at different cenosis densities were unambiguous. The average dependence of photosynthetic potential and seed yield was observed for different options of sowing density. Conclusions. During 2019–2021, all elements of the researched technology had a significant impact on the photosynthetic performance of soybean varieties of different maturity groups. The plant density of 700,000 plants/ha is the most universal for various varietal resources and sowing periods. The obtained experimental data testify to the effectiveness of the application of such elements of technology as sowing dates and plant density in order to reveal the potential of soybean varietal resources.


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