Keywords: greenhouse gas emissions, soil cultivation, carbon farming, carbon balance, organic farming.


Purpose. Agricultural activities are one of the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Soil tillage has been identified as one of the significant sources of GHG emissions in the agricultural sector. The aim of the study was to determine and compare the amount of GHG emissions under traditional, reduced, and no-till soil tillage systems in organic soybean cultivation. Methods. The study used data from a field experiment that examined the effectiveness of soil tillage systems (traditional, reduced, and no-till) and their impact on carbon emissions and sequestration in organic soybean cultivation. GHG emissions calculations were performed using the empirical calculations methodology based on the Cool Farm Tool online calculator, which is based on internationally recognized standards for GHG accounting, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Agriculture (GHG Protocol) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Results. The research showed that the traditional soil tillage system significantly increased GHG emissions, which reached 1040 kg/ha CO2-eq, while the implementation of reduced and no-till soil tillage systems contributed to carbon sequestration in the soil and reduced GHG emissions by 22 and 241 kg/ha CO2-eq, respectively. Findings. This study justifies the optimal choice of soil tillage systems in organic soybean cultivation as an important element of carbon agriculture, which is associated with mitigating the impact of agriculture on climate change. Based on the results of the research and calculations, it can be said that using reduced and no-till soil tillage systems under the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine can result in an organic soybean harvest with zero carbon footprint, which is promising for the export-oriented nature of this crop.


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