Keywords: different maturity hybrids of corn, moisture supply, drip irrigation, crop programming, hybrid productivity.


The purpose of the article – to study the influence of weather conditions and moisture supply on the duration of interphase periods and the formation of yield of corn hybrids of different FAO groups at different cenosis densities. Research methods – field, laboratory, statistical. Research was carried out under irrigation conditions with Stepovyi (FAO 190) and Tronka (FAO 380) corn hybrids. To determine the water demand of crops, we used meteorological data of the Kherson Agromeaonpglteorological Station, which is located near the experimental field of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS, based on which evapotranspiration indicators were calculated using the computer program of the UN FAO – CROPWAT 8.0 for Windows (Penman-Monteith method). Research results. It was established that the moisture content in the active soil layer at the beginning of the growing season for both studied hybrids was: in 2019 – 2853 m3/ha, in 2020 – 2913 m3/ha, in 2021 – 2883 m3/ha. At the end of the growing season, this indicator for the Stepovyi hybrid was 1847 m3/ha, 1901 m3/ha, 1897 m3/ha, 1868 m3/ha, and for the Tronka hybrid – 1854 m3/ha, 1893 m3/ha, 1882 m3/ha, 1884 m3/ha. For the Stepovyi hybrid, the total water consumption in 2019 was 5500 m3/ha, 2020 – 5606 m3/ha, 2021 – 6532 m3/ha, and for the Tronka hybrid – 6347, 6611, 7419 m3/ha, respectively. The calculated yield is lower than the actual yield, the difference between the indicators of the precocious Stepovyi hybrid (FAO 190) was 1.0–1.1 t/ha (10.7–11.4%) in 2019; 0.8–0.9 t/ha (8.6–8.7%) – in 2020 and 1.3 – 1.4 t/ha (13.7–13.8%) for the mid-season hybrid Tronka (FAO 380), respectively: 2.4–3.0 t/ha (23.9%) in 2019 and 2021 and 2.5–3.5 t/ha (24%). Conclusions. According to the results of the experiment, it was established that weather conditions did not significantly affect the duration of the phases of growth and development of the studied hybrids. On average, the difference between the potential yield and the actual yield, under the same conditions, for the early-ripening hybrid Stepovyi (FAO 190) was 11%, and for the medium-ripening hybrid Tronka (FAO380) – 24%, which indicates the application of the harvest programming method to determine the tendency of the influence of the studied factors on the productivity of plants of different maturity hybrids of corn Stepovyi (FAO 190) and Tronka (FAO 380), and not an exact determination of their yield.


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