• F.A. GULIYEV Lankaran branch of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
  • L.A. HUSEINOVA L.A., Research Institute for Plant Protection and Industrial Crops
  • A.N. KERIMOV Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: pomegranate, main diseases of pomegranate, zytial fruit rot, mushroom, control measures.


The article presents the results of studies of the state of pomegranate production in Azerbaijan and presents an analysis of measures to protect plants from diseases. It was noted that in Azerbaijan, gardening is one of the most important sectors of the agro-industrial complex carried out both in collective and in private households which complicates the implementation of modern measures. It is substantiated that non-compliance with the plant protection system is the reason for the low yield and quality of fruits. At the present stage of development of the industry, the most important reserve for increasing productivity and product quality is plant protection. The lack of crop rotation, the monocultural of perennial plantings, the irregular implementation of protective measures are the main reasons for the mass reproduction of pests and pathogens that affect the root system, skeletal branches, buds, shoots, flowers, leaves and fruits. Studies have found that the most common and harmful disease of pomegranate is zytial fruit rot (Zythia versoniana Sacc.). The importanceof the integrated pomegranate protection system in cultivation technology, aimed at sustainable long-term suppression of the number of harmful organisms based on the regulation of the phytosanitary state of fruit plantings through preventive and agrotechnical measures, the rational use of pesticides, is disclosed. Attention is focused on the environmental aspects of protective measures in the context of obtaining clean products. It is indicated that for the successful protection of pomegranate plantations, it is necessary to organize monitoring on the species composition of diseases of certain natural and agricultural areas, especially their current development. It is shownthat the phenological calendar and predicting the cyclical development of pathogens allows you to accurately establish critical periods and choose the optimal timing of protective measures. It is proved that a comprehensive pomegranate protection system should be based on the integration of organizational, sanitary, agricultural, biological and chemical measures, and the main advantage is environmental safety and the possibility of obtaining better products. 


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