Keywords: scientific and technological progress, innovation process, strategic management, state support, investment support, organizational and economic mechanism, modernization, scientific and technical formation, economic management


Purpose. To investigate the features of innovation inthe agro-industrial complex and determine the directions forensuring its effective functioning and further developmentin modern economic conditions. Results. The articlesubstantiates that the most important feature of the modernperiod of development of the agro-industrial complex isthe need to maximize the acceleration of scientific andtechnological progress as a process of gradual technical,technical and socio-economic renewal and improvement ofagro-industrial production. The organization and economyof the organization and the essence of the agriculturaldevelopment of the galusi has been taken into account.The basis of the organization of the forms of innovativeprocesses in the agro-industrial complex has been initiated.The development of innovative technologies in the agroindustrialcomplex has been analyzed. It is especiallyimportant to come to the end of the organization of economicand economic mechanism of innovative processes in theagro-industrial complex. In order to ensure the effectivenessof the implementation of the agricultural commodity complex,it is important to ensure that the management of the nationalagricultural science sector is directly responsible for theimplementation of the national agricultural science sectorin the agricultural sector. Conclusions. The developmentof the innovation in the agro-industrial development ofthe virobnitstvі is not the first time of the singing process,but the acceleration of progress, which is to ensure theimplementation of the most virobnich process, the creationof the expanded development, and the use of goods andincome. The management of the system of managementin the agro-industrial complex can be integrated, the whole range of aspects of the quality of the country in the agrofoodsector: the implementation of additional researchand development, experimental re-evaluation of scientificresults to the promotion of effectiveness. The impact of thestate's entry into the sphere of innovative managementin the agro-industrial complex could be recognized as amatter of priority direct research on agricultural issues. As aresult, we will be able to increase the number of employeesin the galuzy, and we will be able to accelerate the scientificand technical progress and the effectiveness of the agroindustrialdevelopment.


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