Keywords: Scopus, horticulture, scientific article manuscript, predatory journals, peer review.


The article is devoted to the problem of publication of the results of horticultural research carried out by Ukrainian scientists in English-language journals indexed in the Scopus database. Today, such publications are an integral part of the success in scientific and academic field, necessary for the awarding of scientific titles and degrees. At the same time, in the Ukrainian scientific community, the process of publication in peer-reviewed foreign journals is often surrounded by negativity and false information about its complexity and high cost. Thus, the aim of this article is to increase the scientific literacy of Ukrainian horticulturists, especially young scientists, and to encourage them to publish scientific articles in English by highlighting the processes of journal selection, manuscript preparation, and peer review. The process of searching for a journal for publication is considered, taking the relevance of the subject of the conducted research to the scope of the journal into account. The main types of scientific journals based on the type of access to the articles are shown, an approximate list of journals in which the results of Ukrainian horticultural research can be published is given. The disadvantages of publishing in predatory journals are highlighted, tips are given on how to recognize them before submitting an article manuscript. A step-by-step guide of preparing a manuscript for submission to Scopus-indexed journal is given. The main differences, compared to Ukrainian scientific journals, are that the “Materials and methods” section is described in more detail in foreign publications. Also, unlike in Ukraine, in most foreign journals “Results” and “Discussion” are two separate sections. The requirements of the scientific community for authorship are indicated, and advice on the translation of the manuscript into English is provided. The typical process of peer review in Scopus-indexed journals is covered, and tips are provided for working with the editorial board and reviewers to speed up the publication process and improve the quality of the article. In general, this article was prepared with the hope that it will facilitate the exchange of scientific information for Ukrainian scientists and will contribute to th‑e further integration of Ukrainian science into worldwide research system.


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