Transformational processes cause or are a result of institutional changes in one or another sphere of activity, and the efficiency of transformational changes and reforms directly depends on institutional transformations. Development of agrarian enterprises in the direction of ensuring their stability requires system optimization and transformation of economic, ecologic, and social constituents through the formation of an appropriate institutional environment. This environment in the system of modern environmental management plays an important role, and the question of the improvement of its constituent parts (institutes and institutions) and the determination of their influence on the ensuring of rational environmental management is a quite actual question of modern research. In addition, it is taken into account that institutes in the system of agrarian sector of the economy are specific functional and organizational forms of collective activity, and institutions, which are divided on formal and informal, are rules and norms of social behavior, culture and mentality of a man as a participator of production process. It was substantiated the main directions of the improvement of the institutional guarantee of agricultural environmental management in the agrarian sector of the economy of the South of the country including the increase of the efficiency of agricultural production; the investment of innovative technologies of crops cultivation technologies directed to resource-saving, rationality and ecologic safety; the protection of the rights of investors on the state level; the guarantee of the extended reproduction of human capital; the protection of the ownership both on natural and material resources; the organization of the fighting corruption and corporate raiding, etc. Realization of these directions is possible just owing to the prospective institutional transformations in the agrarian sector, namely: the improvement of state politics in the sphere of land and water use; the transformation of the system of water-meliorative complex as a precondition for rational and ecologically balanced supply with water resources for irrigated agriculture through the introduction of the state-private partnership; the formation of efficient unions of water-users and appropriate legislative and normative ensuring of their activity; the improvement of the system of management of agrarian sector of the economy.
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