Keywords: selection, productivity, variety, alkaloidal properties, resistance, valuable economic traits, yield, adaptability.


The purpose of the research: to evaluate, analyze and carry out the selection of breeding material of yellow lupine according to economically valuable traits and to create highly productive varieties of yellow lupine adapted to the conditions of the Western Polissia of Ukraine. Methods. In the research process, special and general scientific research methods were used: field method – to study the relationship of the object with biotic and abiotic factors in the specific conditions of the studied area; measurable, visual – to study the peculiarities of the manifestation of a number of signs in field and laboratory conditions; laboratory methods: morphophysiological – to determine the biometric parameters of the plant; chemical – determination of the chemical composition of the grain; physical – determination of physical indicators of grain; statistical methods: dispersion; comparative and calculation – to determine the economic and energy efficiency of cultivation technologies. Results. The process of creating a new high-yielding and promising variety of yellow lupine by the Volynsk DSGDS IC is highlighted. The production of high-quality and adaptive varieties of yellow lupine to the conditions of the Polissia zone of domestic selection, which will contribute to the introduction into crop production and the establishment of cooperation with agricultural formations of various forms of ownership. Conclusions. The breeding work of the Volyn DSGDS IP is aimed at creating varieties that would give a significant increase in grain and green mass and would be resistant to major diseases. Therefore, the creation of new varieties of lupine, in particular, based on a complex combination of traits and their high values, has a perspective for increasing the efficiency of protein and protein production and increasing soil fertility in Ukraine. Based on the results of breeding research, a yellow lupine variety of universal use Darunok Polissya was created, which in 2021 was entered into the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine.


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