Keywords: sterilization, own micropropagation, highest reproduction, rhizogenesis, adaptation.


The purpose of the article – to develop technological methods of clonal micropropagation of paulownia in vitro. Methods. Paulownia plants Paulownia Sieb. et Zucc. were the material for the research. In the course of research, generally accepted methods in plant biotechnology were used. Aseptic work was performed in the laminar box KPG-1. Murashige and Skuga (MS) were used as the basic nutrient medium for the cultivation of isolated buds and micropods. The results. The method of clonal micropropagation based on the culture of isolated apical meristems provides a high reproduction rate, maximum genetic stability and recovery of the resulting regenerating plants. The most effective scheme of sterilization of paulownia is stepwise treatment of plant material with 70% ethanol solution and 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. The yield of sterile explants was 92.5–95.0%, viability – 90.0–97.5%. At the stage of introduction into in vitro culture, the optimal nutrient medium is MS, supplemented with kinetin 1.0 mg/l and GA 0.5 mg/l, at which the reproduction rate was the highest and was 8.7–9.2. At the stage of proper micropropagation, the most intensive proliferation of shoots also occurred on the nutrient medium MS, supplemented with kinetin 1.0 mg/l and GA 0.5 mg/l, which provided the highest reproduction rate – 10.3–12.0. At the stage of rooting of micro-shoots the most optimal was the nutrient medium 1/2 MS, supplemented with a IBА of 0.5 mg/l, at which the frequency of rhizogenesis was 95.0% and formed 5.3–7.8 roots with a length of 78.5–95.2 mm. Stepwise adaptation of plants to in vivo conditions for 40 days in climatic chambers and growing in a greenhouse ensured the yield of seedlings at the level of 85.0–95.0%. Conclusions. On the basis of the carried-out experimental researches methods of clonal micropropagation paulownia in vitro, which are expedient to use for mass production of genetically homogeneous healthy planting material.


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