Keywords: soil nutrient regime, nutrients, Conference, Osnovianska, yield, re-culture, age periods of trees.


Objective. To determine the effect of optimized fertilization on the nutrient regime of dark gray podzolic soil and the yield of trees of the studied pear varieties at different age periods of growth and fruiting during repeated culture. In modern horticulture, the issue of optimized mineral nutrition of fruit plantations is acute. It includes determining the rational fertilizer rates, which in turn has a positive impact on the ecological state of the garden biocenosis and improves the marketable quality of the harvest. Methods. Field (orchard) and laboratory methods and statistical analysis were used to study the nutrient regime of dark gray podzolic soil and the yield of pear plantations under optimized fertilization. Results. This scientific paper presents the results of the study of optimized pear fertilization, which has been conducted for ten years in non-irrigated plantations of the varieties Conference and Osnovyanskaya (rootstock Quince A). It was found that the soil nutrient regime and tree yields varied during the age periods of trees depending on the optimized fertilization options. When pears are fertilized with nitrogen and potassium norms calculated from agrochemical soil analyzes, the content N–NO3 (by nitrification capacity) and mobile forms К2О (by Egner- Rheem-Domingo) is maintained within optimal levels. Fertilization with additional application of N30 and N30К30 to the calculated norms of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers (background) provided an increase in the yield of pear varieties Conference and Osnovyanskaya by 27 and 31 and 37 and 36% higher, respectively, than from unfertilized trees and by 1 and 5 and 7 and 6% – from fertilized trees with annual application of N90Р60К90, where there was a less balanced ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the nutrition of fruit trees, although the total amount of fertilizers was higher. Conclusions. The value of scientific research lies in the recommendations for rational fertilization of non-irrigated pear plantations, in different age periods of tree growth and fruiting, which had a positive effect on optimized soil nutrient supply and increased tree yields.


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