Keywords: climate, change, temperature, precipitation, productivity, crops.


Global warming has a direct impact on the growth, development and productivity of all crops. Purpose. The purpose of the research was to analyze and compare the dynamics of climatic and weather conditions and the productivity of the main agricultural crops in the Vinnytsia region, which will allow establishing the actual impact of global warming on the change in the productivity of the main agricultural crops. Methods. The research was carried out by analyzing the dynamics of meteorological parameters for the period 2011–2022 according to the data of the Vinnytsia Regional Center for Hydrometeorology. The yield dynamics of the main agricultural crops were evaluated based on the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Results. During 2011–2022, the average annual temperature was, depending on the year, from 7.9 to 9.8°C, which was 0.8–2.7°C higher than the average long-term temperature. During the time period from 2011 to 2022, the annual amount of precipitation differed from the long-term average and ranged from 440 mm, which was 162 mm less than the long-term average, to 714 mm, which was 112 mm more than the long-term average. During the 12 years of research, the average amount of precipitation per year was 595 mm, which was 7 mm less than the average long-term norm. In 2015, the highest average annual air temperature was recorded – 9.5°С, which was 2.4°С higher than the average long-term norm, as well as the lowest amount of precipitation for the year – 440 mm, which was 162 mm less than the average long-term norm. This led to the lowest yield of thirteen agricultural crops out of sixteen presented this year. In 2020, the highest average annual air temperature was recorded – 9.8°С, which is 2.7°С higher than the average long-term norm, as well as the amount of precipitation for the year 583 mm, which is 19 mm less than the average long-term norm. This caused the yield of seven agricultural crops to be the lowest for the entire period of observations. In 2021, one of the lowest average annual temperatures for the studied period was observed – 8.1°С, and the annual amount of precipitation was greater than the long-term average amount – 629 mm, which is 27 mm more than the norm. Conclusions. This contributed to obtaining the highest yield for the entire observation period of 11 agricultural crops. In 2018, when the annual amount of precipitation was large – 622 mm, which is 20 mm more than the average long-term norm, but a high average annual air temperature was noted, which was 0.7°C higher than in 2021, a high yield of of cultures.


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