Keywords: winter wheat, biological preparations, mineral fertilizers, above-ground mass of plants, yield.


Purpose. To determine the effect of a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers and biological preparations on the accumulation of above-ground mass of plants and their formation of grain productivity in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field and laboratorian trials were carried out with accordance to current requirements and standards of scientific research in agronomy and agriculture. Results. The use of modern biological preparations against the background of the introduction of a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers under pre-sowing cultivation contributed to the strengthening of the growth processes of winter wheat plants in all phases of growth and development. The increase in the linear height of winter wheat plants occurs before the earing phase, and the plants reached their maximum value in the phase of full grain maturity. At the same time, the highest plant height indicators of winter wheat were achieved in the variants of the background + Azotophyt-r and background + Organicbalance experiments. In the earing phase of winter wheat, there was a noticeable increase in the yield of raw biomass from 1 m2 of sowing compared to the previous phase of plant development. At the same time, the studied indicator reached the highest value of 2109 and 2114 g/m2 in the variants with N30P30 application and pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biological preparations Azotofit-r and Organicbalance. During the years of research, the positive effect of the main pre-sowing application of a moderate dose of mineral fertilizers and the pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat seeds with modern biological preparations on the formation of grain yield was clearly observed. The use of Organic-balance contributed to an increase in the yield of winter wheat grain compared to the control by 0.57 t/ha or 9.2%, and Azotophytu-r – by 0.5 t/ha or 8.1%. Conclusions. In the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine, on average over the years of research, the introduction of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N30P30 under pre-sowing cultivation and the use of pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat seeds with biopreparations Azotophyt-r and Organic-balance ensures the formation of maximum linear dimensions and indicators of the accumulation of raw and dry above-ground mass of plants . The results of the research also showed that the highest yield of winter wheat grain was formed by plants with the introduction of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N30P30 for pre-sowing cultivation and seed treatment with Organic-balance – the increase compared to the control was 0.57 t/ha or 9.2%.


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