Keywords: melon, seed treatment, silicon-containing fertilizers, productivity, fruit quality.


Goal. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of seed treatment before sowing on the formation of productivity and quality of melon fruits under drip irrigation in the South of Ukraine. Methods. The researches were based on complex use of field, calculated-comparative mathematical-statistical, methods and system analysis. Results. It was determined that pre-sowing treatment of seeds in solutions of silicon-containing fertilizers has a significant effect on the formation of productivity of melon plants of the Didona variety. It was determined that seed treatment with «Quantum Aqua Sіl» (solution concentration 5%) and «Bai-Si» (solution concentration 10%) increases the intensity of seed germination, the length of the coleoptile on the third day of germination was 120,4% and 115,1% more than in untreated control. The germination energy of melon seeds increased by 1–5%, germination capacity – by 1–3% compared to the control. The use of silicon-containing fertilizers accelerates the emergence of seedlings, increases the number and length of shoots, fruit setting. Studies have proven that balanced nutrition of plants contributes to the formation of high productivity of melon plants in the conditions of southern Ukraine. The highest yield of melon fruits (17,5 t/ha) was obtained with the use of «Quantum Aqua Sіl» fertilizer (10%), an increase over untreated control – 35,7%. During the pre-sowing soaking of seeds in solutions of «Kelik Potassium-Silicon», «Quantum Aqua Sіl» and «Bai-Si» fertilizers, there was an increase in the content of dry soluble matter, sugars, and vitamin C in melon fruits. The highest content of sugars and vitamin C in fruits was obtained by pre-sowing treatment of seeds in the preparation «Quantum Aqua Sil» with a solution concentration of 15%. Conclusions. Treatment of seeds before sowing in solutions in solutions of siliconcontaining fertilizers contributes to the formation of high plant productivity and increases the yield of melon Didona variety fruits by 14,0–35,7% and improves fruit quality.


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