Keywords: soils of the chernozem type, anthropogenic transformation, carbon, humus.


The significant aggravation of the ecological situation and the formation of the pre-crisis, crisis, and often catastrophic state of land resources within the Buzka- Dnieper watershed requires a detailed study of the processes associated with agricultural activity. Purpose. The aim of the work was to identify the dependence between the soil structure and the main humus characteristics of the most common soil subtypes of the Buzka-Dnieper basin within natural and agroecosystems. Methods. In the process of performing the work, general scientific and special research methods were used: comparative-geographical, comparative-profile-genetic (selection of soil samples layer by layer); comparativeanalytical (physico-chemical and agrochemical studies, comparative-calculation and statistical (mathematical and statistical processing of experimental data). The results. Long-term agricultural use of soils within the Buzka- Dnieper watershed is accompanied by degradation of humus content and qualitative composition and deterioration of their structural composition. The structural composition of chernozem-type soils within the Buzka- Dnieper watershed depends not only on the content and fractional-group composition of humus, but also on the hydrophobic-hydrophilic properties of soil organic matter. In the formation of the soil structure, all indicators of humus are indispensable: content, fractional-group composition, amphiphilic properties. However, the leading role belongs to the ratio of hydrophobic and hydrophilic components of soil organic matter. Findings. A comprehensive analysis of the obtained regularities between soil structure, humus content and properties made it possible to use the obtained materials in the ecological and economic monitoring of agro-ecosystems within the Buzka-Dnieper watershed, and at the same time, to significantly increase the accuracy of prognostic models for determining the direction and speed of changes in such fundamental soil properties, as the structural state and composition of humus of chernozems; it can be the basis for developing a set of measures to restore the ecological functions of chernozem-type soils in the conditions of perennial arable land, which is very necessary in the agriculture of the region.


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