Keywords: miscanthus giganteus, plant fertilization, joint plantings, yield, biomass, moisture content, correlation.


In view of the constant trend towards the gradual depletion of non-renewable energy sources (oil, gas, coal), there is an urgent need to introduce alternative energy sources. Among them, the plant energy resource is the most accessible and does not require significant energy input for biomass production. Energy crops such as miscanthus giganteus, switchgrass, willow clones are already being studied in various conditions in Ukraine. But their cultivation technology needs improvement, especially for miscanthus giganteus, which is characterized by a multi-year life cycle and has a high yield potential. Cultivation of this energy crop on marginal soils requires the rational agronomic management. Тhe purpose of our research was to study ways to increase the biomass yield of miscanthus giganteus on different variants of mineral, microbiological and symbiotic plant fertilization. Methods. The experiment was laid and conducted during the period of 2018–2022 in the central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The experiment variants were combined: variant 1 (control) – without weeding, without fertilization; variant 2 – weeding, without fertilization; variant 3 – application of mineral fertilizers; variant 4 – cultivation of miscanthus giganteus with lupine; variant 5 – foliar treatment with mycorrhizal preparation; variant 6 – cultivation of miscanthus giganteus with lupine and foliar treatment with mycorrhizal preparation (Mycofriend). Results. It was found that the biomass yield increased annually from 6.2–9.9 t/ha in the first year of vegetation to 12.1–22.3 t/ha in the third year. It was determined that on average over the years of research, the highest yield of miscanthus biomass was formed by joint cultivation with lupine and the use of Mycofriend for fertilizing energy plants (20.7 t/ha). The yield on the variants with only biological nitrogen (cultivation in combination with lupine) was 19.5 t/ha, with mineral fertilization of plants – slightly less, but at a high level of 17.3 t/ha, and with mycorrhizal preparation application it was at a level of 16.2 t/ha. The correlation and regression analysis found that the moisture content in phytomass has a significant influence on the yield of dry biomass of miscanthus giganteus and is characterized by a strong inverse correlation (r – 0.95) according to the regression equation: y = 40.34 – 0.88 × x. Conclusions. Thus, to increase the biomass yield when growing the crop on marginal lands, it is recommended to grow miscanthus giganteus together with a legume component in row-spacing (lupine perennial) and to apply mycorrhizal preparation Mycofriend for root application in spring. Prospects for further research will include the study of the influence of different fertilization schemes of plant phytocenosis on the chemical composition of miscanthus giganteus biomass.


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