Keywords: fungicides, hybrid, cercosporosis, powdery mildew, prevalence of the disease, intensity of disease development.


The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of the use of fungicides and microfertilizers on sugar beet hybrid crops. Methods. Field, analytical and statistical. The research was conducted in 2020–2022 at the Agrofirma Svitanok, Kyiv region. The experiment was conducted according to the following scheme: Factor A. Sugar beet hybrids. 1. Pushkin; 2. Acacia. Factor B. Application of microfertilizers. 1. Control without microfertilizers; 2. YaraVita Bortrac 150 (3 l/ha); 3. YaraVita Mancozin (1 l/ha). Factor C. Fungicides. 1. Control (without the use of fungicides); 2. Shtefstrobin s. с. (0.6 l/ha) + Shtefozal (0.5 l/ha) + Shtilvet (0.1 l/ha); 3. Tserkoshtef s. с. (0.5 l/ha) + Stefstrobin s. с. (0.6 l/ha) + Shtilvet (0.1 l/ha); 4. Tserkoshtef, s. с. (0.5 l/ha) + Shtefozal (0.5 l/ha) + Shtilvet (0.1 l/ha). The area of the sowing area was 108 m2, the accounting area was 81 m2, the repetition was four times. Results. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that, on average, at the end of the 1-st decade of August, the prevalence of cercosporosis was 7.0%, and the intensity of development was 4.0%. At the end of the 1-st decade of September, these indicators increased to 14.9 and 10.1%. The prevalence and intensity of the development of powdery mildew in the specified periods was within 5.9 and 1.6% and 2.5 and 0.6%, respectively. The sugar beet hybrid Acacia was distinguished by higher resistance to the causative agent of cercosporosis, and the Pushkin hybrid to powdery mildew. Thus, the prevalence of these diseases at the end of the first decade of August was 7.2 and 6.8% and 5.5 and 6.3%, respectively, in Pushkin and Acacia hybrids. The use of fungicides allows reducing the prevalence and intensity of development of cercosporosis to 4.5 and 2.6% in the first accounting period and to 11.5 and 6.8% in the second, and powdery mildew 4.9 and 1.6% and 1,3 and 0.3%, respectively. The use of microfertilizer YaraVita Mancozin (1 l/ha) provides higher efficiency against cercosporosis 74.6 and 71.3%, and against powdery mildew YaraVita Bortrac 150 (3 l/ha) – 71.2 and 77.0%, respectively, in the first and second accounting periods. The intensity of the development of cercosporosis and powdery mildew on sugar beet plants is influenced by 66.8 and 75.0% of the use of fungicides and by 17.3 and 9.0% of microfertilizers. Conclusions. The most effective option for protecting sugar beet plants from cercosporosis was Tserkoshtef, s. с. (0.5 l/ha) + Stefstrobin, s. с. (0.6 l/ha) + Stilvet (0.1 l/ha) in combination with foliar application microfertilizer YaraVita Mancozin (1 l/ha) and against powdery mildew the same option of fungicidal protection and the use of microfertilizer YaraVita Bortrac 150 (3 l/ha).


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