Keywords: alfalfa, fodder productivity, drought resistance, mathematical indices, biplot analysis, cluster analysis.


Purpose. To evaluate the response of alfalfa populations of the second year of life to fodder use in different environments and to determine the best not only in terms of drought resistance, but also in terms of productivity under stress conditions with their further use in the selection process. Materials and methods. The research was conducted at the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS, during 2018–2020 in field conditions. The object of study was alfalfa varieties and populations when used for fodder under two conditions of irrigation: irrigation (drip irrigation) and natural irrigation on the grass stalk of the second year of use. Productivity and drought resistance were determined using different mathematical indices. The results. Weather conditions during the years of research varied both in temperature and in the amount and nature of precipitation, which made it possible to analyze varieties and populations of alfalfa in terms of fodder productivity for resistance to stressful (dry) growing conditions. According to a larger number of indices (11), the most drought-resistant populations of M.g. / P.p., LR / H, Ram. d. The population Zymostoiyka / M.K. was selected according to nine indices, and Sin(s). / Prymorka and M.g. / CP-11 stood out according to seven indices. The indices YI, YSI, DI, RDI, M2STI, HMP and ISR should be used as the main ones for selecting populations for drought resistance, instead the indices MR, STI, GMP and MSTI can be used as auxiliary ones. The stress tolerance index M1STI is due to the selection of populations grown under the best conditions, as is the abiotic tolerance index (ATI). SSI, TOL, and SSPI indices can be used to select drought-resistant populations if their values tend to zero and populations that respond well to improved moisture conditions if these values tend to the maximum. According to the results of the GGE biplot analysis, the more drought-resistant populations were isolated on the second-year grass: G4 – M.g. / P.p., G6 – LR / H, G12 – Ram. d. and G16 – Zymostoiyka / M.K. According to the cluster analysis, 24 alfalfa populations were divided into three clusters: the nine most drought-resistant populations were united at a distance of 175 in the first cluster, the six most drought-resistant ones were united at a distance of 123 in the second cluster, and the third cluster were united at a distance of 145, nine populations of medium drought resistance. Conclusions. The main indices SSI, TOL, SSPI, YI, YSI, DI, RDI, M2STI, HMP and ISR were selected for selection of populations for drought tolerance. According to drought resistance indices and biplot analysis, as the most drought-resistant isolated populations of M.g. / P.p., LR / H, Ram. d., Zymostiyka / M.K, Sin(s). / Prymorka and M.g. / CP-11.


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