The purpose of our article was to investigate the ecological and biological properties of the decorative cereal crops used in the landscaping of Kherson, to identify and select species and varieties resistant to the conditions of the Southern Steppe for wide implementation in various landscaping objects of the city. Methods. The seasonal development of plants was studied by the method of phenological observations. The winter hardiness and drought resistance of all studied species were established. The morphometric values of the species and varieties of the studied cereals were determined. The decorativeness of plants was evaluated based on the set of signs of vegetative and generative organs. Results. Cereals of landscaping objects in Kherson are mainly decorative by the shape and color of the leaves. According to the color of the leaves, we divided them into several groups: with green, with variegated, with gray-blue color of the leaves. The shape and color of the generative organs is another decorative feature of cereals. Plants with large inflorescences, as well as plants with low-decorative inconspicuous inflorescences, are used in landscaping in Kherson. The use of decorative cereals in landscape design depends on the height of their shoots. We highlighted low-growing (up to 0,6 m), medium-growing (0,6–1,5) m and tall plants (over 1,5 m). The beginning of the growth of cereals in the conditions of Kherson begins in the spring. The most early spring species are Festuca glauca Vill. ‘Elijah Blue’, Phalaris arundinacea L. ‘Picta’, Panicum virgatum L., Bouteloua gracilis (Willd. ex Kunth) Lag. ex Gr etc. The development of other plants begins 30–40 days later. Phyllostachys nigra (Lodd. ex Munro) remains an evergreen plant in the studied conditions. Findings. All studied cereals have passed introduction tests, are characterized by high winter hardiness and drought resistance. They can be recommended for wide use in the landscape design of objects of various purposes in the conditions of the city of Kherson and the Kherson region.
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