Application of new criteria for selection of breeding material of safflower

Keywords: selection, safflower, complex hybrid population, coefficient of negative effect of drought, integral coefficient of negative effect of drought, yield.


Purpose. To evaluate the principles of new criteria for the selection of safflower biotypes in the selection process. Methods. Field, laboratory, calculation and statistical, analysis and synthesis. Results. The research was carried out at the research field of the Donetsk SARS of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2016–2020. In the breeding nursery of the complex hybrid population No 1 of the first year of life, the coefficient of the negative effect of drought (KNЕD) on the degree of manifestation of the main economic and valuable traits was: on the intensity of the development of the root system at the initial stages of organogenesis –1,41; for seedling survival in the summer-autumn period – 1,54; for the number of shoots on one plant – 1,47; to the height of plants before the end of autumn vegetation – 1,46. This indicator was lower in all respects compared to the population from which it was created, which indicates that the preliminary selection of the source material according to the new criteria made it possible to significantly improve the adaptive potential of the newly created population and reduce the negative impact of drought on the development of plants in the first year of life . In the breeding nursery of complex hybrid population No 2 of the first year of life, the coefficient of negative effect of drought (KNЕD) on the degree of manifestation of the main economic and valuable traits was also lower for all traits compared to the population from which it was created, but inferior to the indicators of population No 1. In the second year of life, according to the main economic and valuable characteristics, complex hybrid population No. 1 was characterized by indicators of the negative effect of drought at the level of 1,33–1,54, population No 2 – 1,35–1,57. The integral coefficient of the negative effect of drought on populations was 1,42 and 1,44, respectively. Population No. 1 was characterized by the highest yield of seeds and green mass – 0,86 t/ha and 29,40 t/ha, which exceeds these indicators on the sowing of the original population by 0,15 t/ha and 4,84 t/ha, population No 2 – by 0,09 t/ha and 2,98 t/ha, respectively. Conclusions. Population No 1 turned out to be more plastic and resistant to arid vegetation conditions, as the one that had better coefficients of the negative effect of drought and provided a higher yield of seeds and green mass. According to the research results, population No 1 was transferred to the state variety test as the Krasen variety, for which a patent was obtained in 2022.


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