New watermelon lines as decorative complex in the formation of green areas of the urban environment

Keywords: Selection, landscape design, collection, source, genes, characteristics, homesteads.


Designing green infrastructure in cities requires vegetation that has multipurpose functions, including the use of plants that have both attractive visual or aesthetic characteristics and high value. Plantations that have a high visual appeal are more valued and improve our well-being sense. One of the main challenges is increasing biodiversity in cities for urban planning and design. However, even today it is still difficult to outcome the balance between biodiversity and aesthetic in the design of urban plantings. There are given the characteristics of the unique material of watermelon lines as decorative components in the formation of landscape design. There are shown the plant's most important functions in forming the internal environment of homesteads, park zones, and other green areas of the urban environment. It is emphasized the need to take into account the biological features and ecological requirements of plants for their effective use. The research was conducted at the Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing of the National Academy of Sciences (Kharkiv Region) during 2018-2020, in open ground in rainy conditions of selective crop rotation. As a result of a long-term field study of the watermelon collection, there were selected promising genetic sources, with the use of which there were created new genotypes that differ morphologically: bush plants – Lischyna Kushcheva-19, short-stemmed – SJ-107879 and long-stemmed – Melon- 10810. The created lines differ in morphobiological and valuable economic characteristics and have high decorative qualities. The new watermelon lines have been tested as decorative design components in landscape design on the basis of the landscape company KARANDA landscape, as components of decorative elements of flower gardens. New selection lines of watermelon: Melon-10810, Lishchyna Kushcheva-19, and SJ-107879 provided high aesthetic, decorative, and valuable selection indicators.


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