• I.M. BILIAEVA Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.M DYMOV Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


Purpose. Research of features of development of innovative activity in agro-industrial production of South region and definition on this basis of approaches for ensuring its activation in modern conditions. Methods. System analysis; factor analysis; comparative analysis; calculation; graphic. Results. The main role in ensuring innovative development of agricultural production is given to agricultural science, in particular scientific institutions of NAAS, which made testing of innovative developments, marketing research, ensures transfer of innovations, scientific support for innovation projects information and advisory service farmers. Interregional centers for scientific support of agro-industrial production ensure the creation, development and organization of innovation. The role of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS in the innovative development of agrarian production is highlighted. It is noted that the number of integration associations scientific institutions, agricultural producers and educational institutions has been growing recently. These processes contribute to the complexity of the economic mechanism, expanding the relationships between its components and elements. As a result of integration, the range of interaction between integration structures, the formation of new subjects of innovation infrastructure, and the role of development institutions has expanded. To improve the situation of introducing innovations in agricultural production, the state should play an active role. Approaches to ensure the activation of innovation activity are defined. Conclusions. Acceleration of the development of agricultural production, increasing efficiency and competitiveness in modern conditions is achieved mainly through the activation of innovative activities. There are a number of problems that require further consistent solutions. At the same time, there are positive trends in the creation of integration associations scientific institutions, manufacturers and educational structures. These processes contribute to the complexity of the economic mechanism, expanding the relationships between its components and elements.


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