Yield properties of switchgrass seeds depending on growing conditions

Keywords: switchgrass, seeds, growing conditions, maternal plants, yield properties, seeds.


Purpose.The aim of the work is to find the optimal gradation of cultivation technology elements of maternal plants of switchgrass vatieties and their influence on the improvement of the seed yield properties. Methods. The research was conducted during the period of 2015-2021 on medium-humus typical chernozem in a stationary experiment located in the central part of the forest-steppe of Ukraine. The material for the experiment were switchgrass varieties: Zoriane, Cave-in-rock and Morozko. The experiments were laid according to the generally accepted methods of research. In the two-factor and multifactor field experiment, the variants were placed in a randomized way in four replications. Results. The research results revealed the variability of the yield of switchgrass maternal plants during the period of 2015-2019 (the first experiment). It was determined that the use of a complex of agricultural measures of the optimized cultivation technology of switchgrass maternal plants, compared with traditional, can significantly increase the seed yield of the variety Zoriane up to 0.71 t/ha (increase 0.06 t/ha), Cave-in-rock up to 0.45 t/ha (increase 0.11 t/ha), Morozko up to 0.32 t/ha (increase 0.04 t/ha). In the second experiment, the yield properties of seeds obtained from the maternal plants grown under different elements of the technology were investigated during the period of 2020-2022. It was determined that the optimized cultivation technology affects the improvement of the yield properties of the daughter plants of the studied varieties. The application of the optimized cultivation technology of the maternal plants of switchgrass variety increases the seed yield of the daughter plants: the variety Zoriane by 0.05 t/ha (from 0.77 to 0.82 t/ha), the variety Cave-in-rock by 0.12 t/ha (from 0.62 to 0.74 t/ha), the variety Morozko by 0.08 t/ha (from 0.38 to 0.46 t/ha). Compared to the traditional technology, the seed yield of maternal plants under the optimized technology increased: by 0.06 t/ha (Zoriane), by 0.11 t/ha (Cave-in-rock) and by 0.04 t/ha (Morozko). Seed yield of daughter plants increased, respectively, by the varieties: by 0.05, 0.12 and 0.08 t/ha. Conclusions. It was found that the cultivation of varieties by optimized cultivation technology has a significant impact on increasing the seed yield of switchgrass (by 0.04...0.11 t/ha). This technology combines the spring sowing of the crop by the determined seeding rate (for the variety Zoriane - 5.7 kg/ha, for the variety Cave-in-rock - 7.6 kg/ha, for the variety Morozko - 7.9 kg/ha), wide-row seeding method (row spacing of 60 cm is for all varieties) and the use of spring nitrogen fertilization of plants with a calculated dose of nitrogen fertilizers (N45) against the background of the main fertilizer (РК)60. The increase in the yield properties of switchgrass seeds can be achieved by using the optimized elements of the maternal plant cultivation technology. The increase of the variety Zoriane is 0.05 t/ha (0.77 to 0.82 t/ha), in the variety Cave-in-rock - 0.12 t/ha (0.62 to 0.74 t/ha), in the variety Morozko - 0.08 t/ha (0.38 to 0.46 t/ha).


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