Development and productivity of sunflower on sod-podzolic soils of Western Polissia with the application of various types of complex fertilizers

Keywords: sunflower, sowing fertilizer, grain quality indicators, phosphorus-potassium nutrition, yield increase.


Purpose. The purpose of the study was to determine the comparative effectiveness of different types of mineral fertilizers of a similar composition. Methods. The research was carried out on the territory of the Rivne’s district, the soil-climatic zone of the Western Polissia of Ukraine. The soil of the site is sod-podzolic sandy loam, typical for the zone. Sowing was carried out with the Vaderstad Tempo 8 seeding complex with the simultaneous application of granular complex fertilizers according to the scheme. Other types of complex fertilizers were not used during cultivation. Nitrogen nutrition – 150 kg/ha of ammonium nitrate before sowing at all variants of the test. Hybrid - Belvedere, the sowing rate is 60,000 seeds per hectare. Sowing date 05/02/2022. Predecessor – corn for grain, zero tillage. Results. The material of the article highlights the inequality of the agronomic effects obtained when using specific mineral fertilizers of a similar composition in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content. Not only the changes in the yield of sunflower when using different types of fertilizers, but also the significant variation of quality indicators of grain - weight of 1000 grains, nature, oiliness - are substantiated. At the same time, the productivity indicators obtained are clearly correlated with the morphological features of the plants, which were monitored during the growing season. Thus, the use of mineral fertilizer Yara Mil 8:24:24 had a significant positive effect on the development of the root system, the diameter of the stem and the basket, compared to a competitive product of a similar composition. At the same time, the use of this fertilizer led to an increase in the height of plants by 25-30 cm, which is an additional risk factor and needs to be taken into account in the general technology of crop cultivation. Separately, it should be noted that increasing the dose of Yara Mil fertilizer caused a general decrease in yield relative to the use of a lower dose, which was not observed when using Polifoska 8:24:24 fertilizer. Conclusions. The application of granular complex fertilizer Yara Mila showed a complex positive effect on the development and productivity of sunflower in the studied conditions.


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