Adaptability, sustainability and productivity of mid-early soybean varieties

Keywords: soybeans, varieties, productivity, adaptability, sustainability.


There is a large number of mid-early high-yielding soybean varieties suitable for cultivation in Ukraine. Therefore, the selection of the most efficient, high-yielding, adaptable and sustainable ones is required. The aim of the study is to analyse mid-early soybean varieties regarding the height of plants, the attachment of lower beans, their resistance to lodging, shedding, drought and various diseases, seed yield, protein and fat content. The research was conducted on the basis of the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine Suitable for Cultivation in 2021. There are five groups of soybean varieties suitable for cultivation in Ukraine based on the speed of ripening – ultra quick ripening, early ripening, mid-early ripening, mid-ripening and mid-late ripening. Mid-early varieties (their growing season comprises 106–125 days) are the most numerous group according to the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine Suitable for Cultivation in 2021 with a total of 160 items. According to the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine Suitable for Cultivation in 2021, such varieties as Podyaka, Ezra, Stine 07G22, Saska, Syaivo, Cypress, Malvina, SVH15T1S1, ES Compositor, Turizas, and Elina have the highest seed yield among all mid-early soybean varieties. RGT Sforza, DSh401, ES Bachelor, Taurus, NS Diyana, DSh863, Lenka contain the highest amount of protein, whereas Charm, Valiuta, Brown, Sprint, Everest, SG Anzer have the highest level of fat. A significant part of mid-early soybean varieties shows a high rate of resistance to drought, diseases, lodging and shedding and received 8 points on our scale, which means that they are suitable both for mechanical harvesting and sustainable vegetation.


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