Peculiarities of growing perennial seeds depending on the elements of technology

Keywords: plant height, stem diameter, plant weight, pre-harvest density, productivity.


Purpose. To determine the influence of growing conditions on elements of productivity and yield of phytomass of perennial seed. Methods. Field – laying experiments, recording the crop of stems, laboratory – physical – measurement of height, diameter of stems, leaf sizes, calculation – statistical. Results. The maximum plant height indicator was obtained on the variant with a dose of N60 fertilizers – 258.6 cm, reducing the dose of fertilizers to N30 led to a decrease in plant height – 243.6 cm. The lowest height of perennial seed plants was recorded on the version without fertilizers – 236.3 cm. According to the results of the research, the diameter at the base of the stem of the perennial seedling was 7.6–9.8 mm on average according to the variants. The largest diameter of the stem was obtained on the version with a dose of mineral fertilizers N60 – 9.8 mm. The weight of the dry plant in the control was 28.1 g, N30 – 30.4 g, N60 – 35.0 g. The pre-harvest density of perennial seedling in the control was 35.0 pieces/m2, with the application of mineral fertilizers in the dose of N30, the pre-harvest density was 39.5 pieces /m2, and for the doses of N60 – 43.2 pieces/m2. The highest values of the pre-harvest density of perennial seedling were obtained with the application of mineral fertilizer in a dose of N60 – 43.2 pieces/m2. The maximum yield on average during the research period was obtained with the application of mineral fertilizer in a dose of N60 – 15.1 t/ha. Application of N30 ensured productivity at the level of 12.0 t/ha, and 9.8 t/ha in the control. Conclusions. The best conditions for growth, development and formation of the crop were obtained on the option with the introduction of nitrogen mineral fertilizers in the amount of 60 kg/ha of the active substance. With such a dose of fertilizers, the greatest increase in plant height was observed – 258.6 cm, stem diameter 9.8 mm. When applying nitrogen mineral fertilizers at a dose of 60 kg/ha of the active substance, the maximum dry weight of the plant was 35.0 g with a pre-harvest density of 43.2 pieces/m2 and a yield of 15.1 t/ha.


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