Nutrient mode of the soil depending on the destructor Ecostern Classic and the method of the main tillage

Keywords: elements of plant nutrition, destructuring, post-harvest tailings, biodestructor, plowing, tillage.


Purpose. Studying the nutrient regime of the soil depending on the treatment of post-harvest residues of corn and sunflower with the Ecostern Classic biodestructor and the method of soil cultivation in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field and laboratorian trials were carried out with accordance to current requirements and standards of scientific research in agronomy and agriculture. Soil samples were analyzed with accordance to current standards of agrochemical analysis. Results. It was established that, on average, for 2019-2021, after harvesting corn for grain, the soil layer 0-30 cm contained 15.3 mg/kg of soil nitrates, 44.6 mg/kg of soil mobile phosphorus and 308.1 mg/kg of soil of exchangeable potassium, and after harvesting sunflower – 4.8 mg/kg of soil nitrates, 20.6 mg/kg of soil of mobile phosphorus and 124.5 mg/kg of soil of exchangeable potassium. Treatment of the postharvest residues of the studied crops with a biopreparation contributed to an increase in the content of nutrients in the soil. So, on average, over the years of research and according to the methods of soil cultivation, the treatment of post-harvest residues of corn and sunflower with the Ecostern Classic biodestroyer contributed to an increase in the content of nitrates in the soil layer 0-30 cm by 18.7 and 20.8%, mobile phosphorus by 5.3 and 8.7%, and exchangeable potassium – by 5.7 and 9.2%, depending on the studied culture. At the same time, regardless of the studied culture, the higher content of nutrients in the soil is determined in the variant of plowing. Conclusions. Treatment of post-harvest residues of corn and sunflower with Ecostern Classic biodestroyer and plowing improved the nutrient status of the soil. Thus, the content of nitrates in this variant of the experiment, compared to the variant of no-till tillage and treatment of the remains of the studied crops with water, in the soil layer 0-30 cm increased by 27.4% for the treatment of corn residues, by 32.4% for the treatment of sunflower. The content of mobile phosphorus increased by 8.6 and 13.0%, respectively, and exchangeable potassium – by 8.6 and 16.5% respectively.


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