The influence of drugs on the effectiveness of inoculation of soybean seed

Keywords: legumes, growing technology, bacterial preparations, nitrogen fixation.


Purpose. Establishing the features of growth and development and regularities of soybean crop formation under the condition of using bacterial preparations for seed inoculation, substantiation of recommendations for improving the elements of crop cultivation technology in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Scientific research was conducted during 2020–2022 by laboratory and field methods. The experiment was repeated three times. Placement of plots is randomized. The area of the experimental area is 36 m2, the accounting area is 25 m². Results. According to the research results, it was established that the laboratory germination of seeds due to the treatment of Optimize 400 seed material increased by 1.9%, and BioMag Soya – by 1.5%, compared to the control. Seed germination energy improved by 3.3% in the version treated with Optimize 400 and by 1.1% in the version treated with BioMag Soya. The height of the plants before the period of budding did not differ significantly in the variants of the experiment. Starting from the budding phase, soybean plants were taller in the variants of the experiment, where the culture was sown with inoculated seeds. The formation of generative organs also depended on the symbiosis of soybean plants with bacteria. Due to the inoculation of seed material, the number of beans per plant increased from 25 to 34 pieces. The mass of seeds from one plant was 1.3 g more due to the use of BioMag Soy and 1.6 g more – as a result of Optimize 400 treatment. The weight of 1000 seeds varied according to the experiment, within 171.8–178.1 g, the largest seeds were formed on plants inoculated with Optimize 400. According to the experiment, the yield of soybeans in general was the highest in 2021. On average, 2.32 t/ha were formed in Control over three years, Optimize 400 seed treatment increased the yield to 0.65 t/ha, and the use of BioMag Soy contributed to an increase in yield by 0.36 t/ha. Conclusions. For production conditions, during the cultivation of soybeans, we recommend inoculating the seeds with Optimize 400, at a rate of 1.8 l/t, before sowing.


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