The productivity of oily flax depends on the variety, the rate of sowing seeds and extra-root nutrition in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe

Keywords: flax oil, seed sowing rate, variety, microfertilizer, similarity, biometric indicators, seed yield.


The article presents the results of field and laboratory research on the influence of the rate of seed sowing, variety and foliar feeding on the formation of seed yield and oil yield of linseed oil when grown in the conditions of the Western Forest Steppe. The research was carried out on three varieties of flax with different morphological and biological characteristics: Vodohray, Zhyvynka and Svilozir for sowing with seeding rates of 4 and 5 million similar seeds per hectare. The issue of the effect of fertilizing with boroncontaining microfertilizers (Vitamin Bor 17% and Borogreen L 11%) in the budding phase of flax plants (the first decade of June) at three application rates (90, 120 and 150 g/ha of active substance) was considered. According to the research results, it was established that the lowest germination was provided by the Zhyvynka variety at both rates of sowing seeds, at the rate of 5 million seeds per hectare, germination decreased by 23.5%, at the rate of 4 million seeds per hectare – by 20%, the optimal germination was provided by the Vodohray variety (at the rate of seed sowing of 5 million pcs/ha – 16.4%, at the rate of 4 million pcs/ha – 7.6%). The results of biometric analysis proved that at the sowing rate of 5 million similar seeds per hectare, the height of plants of all three varieties was higher by 2–8 cm. According to this indicator, the Vodohray variety showed the greatest reaction to the sowing rate. The maximum biometric indicators, such as the number of bolls and seeds per plant, were obtained for the Vodohray variety at a seeding rate of 4 million pcs/ha, while the weight of 1000 seeds was maximum for the Svetlozor variety, the indicator was 7.0–7.2 grams. Heavier seeds were formed at a lower sowing rate. It was established that the researched varieties responded to seed sowing rates depending on the weather conditions of the year, which caused some variation in the data. Consequently, the seeding rate of 4 million pcs/ ha under different weather conditions was better in terms of seed yield for the Vodohray variety, and for the Svitlozir variety, the seeding rate was 5 million pcs/ha. Variety Zhyvynka in rainy conditions in the summer requires a lower seeding rate, and with a uniform distribution of precipitation and thermal conditions, on the contrary, a higher one. On average, over the years of research, the Svitlozir oil flax variety provided the optimal yield at the seed sowing rate of 5 million units/ha, the yield was 2.23 t/ha.


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