Agrolandscape plantings of hydromelioration of steppe zones of Ukraine

Keywords: agricultural landscape, zoning stage, taxonomic category, irrigated lands.


The main directions of spatial differentiation of the territory of southern Ukraine during the last 20 years are outlined. Natural-agricultural, landscape-geochemical, agro-ecological, biogeochemical zoning were important directions of targeted zoning of agricultural lands. The purpose of the research is to develop the scientific and methodological foundations of the complex zoning of the steppe lands of Ukraine on the agro-landscape basis, including the specifics of the conditions for carrying out hydromelioration measures. The research methodology is determined by general scientific principles of coherence and differentiation of the agrosphere and qualitative and quantitative assessments of the functioning of irrigated lands. Taking into account the military actions on the territory of Ukraine, three socioeconomic time sections of agrolandscape studies of the steppe are proposed, namely, modern (up to 3 years), long-term (up to 5 years) and forecast (up to 20 years). The main stages of agrolandscapes studies are the generalization of information support, taxonomic classification of natural and anthropogenic factors of territory functioning, mapping of agrolandscapes and thear target zoning of territories to solve certain ecological- economic problems or selection of balanced nature management measures. There are determine the substantive part end qualitative-quantitative features for mapping and evaluation of 8 taxonomic categories of agro-landscapes, namely zone, series, type, family, class, genus, species and subspecies are defined. The proposed spatial differentiation of irrigated lands takes with account their structure, agro-ecological hazards. The agro-landscape zoning of the territory of the steppe of Ukraine highlights the complex conditions for the selection of crop varieties, the differentiation of land irrigation systems and other reclamation measures. The next stages of the development of agro-landscape foundations are the detailing of the natural and agrogenic conditions of irrigation and the creation of their local graphic models, first of all, on the steppe area of Ukraine.


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