Peculiarities of chickpea and sunflower growth processes under drip irrigation

Keywords: microirrigation systems, method of irrigation pipelines laying, chickpea, sunflower, crop rotation link, biometric parameters.


Purpose. Study of the influence of microirrigation system designs and water supply method on growth processes and productivity of chickpea and sunflower plants. Methods. Short-term field experiment, analytical and statistical methods of experimental data processing. Research results. Modern methods of microirrigation are considered as a key factor in the intensification of technologies for growing chickpeas and sunflowers in the crop rotation link. Field experimental research was carried out on the lands of the Brylivs’ke experimental field of the IWP&LR of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine during 2020-2022. The obtained results confirm that the designs of micro-irrigation systems and the method of water supply reliably affect the formation of the main biometric parameters, structural elements of the crop and the yield of chickpeas and sunflower. It has been established that the maximum parameters of growth processes and the productivity of crops are ensured by the impulse mode of water supply with the intra-soil laying of irrigation pipelines. Significantly lower and similar indicators were determined for the conditions of subsurface drip irrigation and drip irrigation with above-ground laying of irrigation pipelines, and the lowest productivity parameters were obtained under conditions of natural moistening. The yield of chickpea with drip irrigation was obtained at the level of 3,76-4,17 t/ha, with subsurface laying of irrigation pipelines – 3,69-4,00 t/ha, with the implementation of the pulse water supply mode – 4,28 t/ha. For the cultivation of sunflower under drip irrigation, a yield of 3,91-4,41 t/ha was obtained, with subsurface laying of irrigation pipelines – 3,69-4,09 t/ha, with the implementation of a pulsed water supply mode – 4,28 t/ha. On the control variant (without irrigation), the lowest yield level was obtained in an average of three years – 1,63 t/ha of chickpeas and 1,66 t/ha of sunflower, which confirms the significant risks of growing these crops in the conditions of the Steppe without irrigation. Conclusions. Based on the results of the research, the peculiarities of the formation of the main biometric parameters and productivity of chickpea and sunflower plants were determined depending on the construction of micro-irrigation systems and the method of water supply. The most expedient for the cultivation of these crops in the chain of crop rotation is the introduction of subsurface drip irrigation and the implementation of a pulse water supply regime.


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