The effect of the symbiosis of fungi and bacteria with the sunflower (Helianthus annuus) root system

Keywords: fungi, bacteria, leaf weight, moistureholding capacity, aggregate composition, root system


Purpose. To establish the effect of the symbiosis of mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria with the root system of annual sunflower on plant growth, development, and crop productivity. Methods. Field, laboratory, and statistical methods were used in the study. Results. Mycorrhiza-forming fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria positively affected the growth and development of sunflower plants and the seed yield formation. In particular, the leaf area in the treatments with Glomus VS and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai. fungi (bio preparation Mycofriend), Tuber melanosporum Vittad. (biopreparation Mycovital), and bacteria Bacillus subtilis Cohn. (biopreparation Florobacillin) was 9.7–106.4% higher compared to the control on the 30th, 60th, and 90th days of cultivation. The leaf weight and root weight exceeded the control values by 6.6–138.8%, respectively. In addition, these treatments increased the soil moisture-holding capacity by 8.9–33.3% and decreased the share of soil lumps <0.25 mm by 2.2–9.7%. The yield of sunflower seeds in the treatments with these living organisms was 0.25–0.58 t/ha higher compared to the control. Noticeably also that seed treatment with Glomus VS and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai. (bio preparation Mycofriend) is more efficient in terms of impact on crop plant growth, development, and productivity compared to the others. In particular, in the treatments with Mycofriend, the increase in leaf area exceeded the control by 7.2–100.2%, while in the treatments with the other biopreparations (Mycovital and Florobacillin), the increase was 2.9–70.5% and 4.3–29.7%, respectively. In the same way, we observed the difference between other indicators, such as leaf weight, root weight, plant height, photosynthetic potential, photosynthesis productivity, etc., obtained in the treatments with Mycovital and Florobacillin. Conclusions. Application of mycorrhizal fungi Glomus VS, Tuber melanosporum Vittad. and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai. (biopreparations Mycofriend and Mycovital) together with nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bacillus subtilis Cohn. (biopreparation Florobacillin) for pre-sowing seed treatment improves the growth and development of sunflower plants and increases their productivity.


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