Soybean seed productivity depending on varietal composition, fertilization and plant protection for growing on irrigated lands of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine
Goal. The goal was to establish the productivityindicators of different soybean varieties depending on theinvestigated factors: varietal composition, fertilization andplant protection, to determine the germination energy andlaboratory seed germination of soybean varieties.The results. On average, over the years of research,the maximum seed yield, in the range of 4.61-4.75 t/ha, wasobtained in the Oleshsha variety for seed treatment beforesowing with the biological preparation Phosphate gel andcompliance with biological and chemical plant protection.The application of nitrogen fertilizer in a dose of N60 providedthe greatest efficiency with an increase of 29.5% on the Idealvariety. Among the studied biopreparations, Phosphategel had an undisputed advantage, which increased theyield of seeds on the Oleshshya variety by an average factor of 34.6%. The use of biological and chemical plantprotection was also highly effective and increased theyield of soybean seeds by 14.7 and 18.4%. Zorya Stepuand Pivdenna krasunya varieties were superior in termsof stress resistance, and the Oleshsha variety in terms ofgenetic flexibility. The maximum variation in seed yield witha coefficient of variation of 10.1-18.5% was shown whengrowing the Ideal variety. A high level of homeostaticityand breeding value was demonstrated by the varietiesZorya Stepu, Pivdenna krasunya and Oleshshya. Thehighest energy of germination (90.0-90.2%) was noted inthe Oleshsha and Pivdenna krasunya varieties, and theminimum energy was recorded in the Ideal variety – 86.3%.The laboratory germination had a significant tendencyto increase to 97-98% in variants with Oleshshya andPivdenna krasunya varieties under the conditions of useof biological preparations Gumifield forte and Phosphategel, as well as against the background of chemical andbiological plant protection. The average factorial values oflaboratory germination were minimal in the Ideal variety –only 92.3%.Conclusions. As a result of the research, the yieldindicators of four soybean varieties were determineddepending on the variety composition, fertilization and plantprotection, the energy of germination and seed germinationwere determined.
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