The influence of growth stimulants on the rooting of narrow-leaved lavender for garden and park cultivation
Goal. The purpose of our research was to study theeffect of growth stimulants on the rooting of narrow-leavedlavender cuttings of Mriya and Record, Elizabeth varieties.Methods. The vegetative research method involveddetermining the effect of different concentrations of growthstimulants on the rooting of green cuttings of narrow-leavedlavender varieties. The research material was green cuttingsof narrow-leaved lavender varieties Mriya and Record,Elizabeth. In each variant, 25 cuttings were evaluated in4 repetitions. The number of rooted cuttings was determinedon the 30 th and 45 th day, taking into account signs ofrooting. With the help of the statistical method by meansof dispersion analysis, the smallest significant differenceaccording to this indicator was established. Research wasconducted during 2021-2022 in greenhouse conditions.Research results. The rate of rooting of green cuttings,depending on the variety, duration of rooting, growthstimulator and its concentration, varied from 53% to 91%.The coefficient of variation was 13.4%, which indicatesthe average degree of variation of this characteristic. The highest rooting rate (91%) in the experiment wasdistinguished by the cuttings in the version with the use of'1R Seed treatment' at a drug concentration of 0.25 g/l inthe Elizabeth variety, and the lowest in the control versionof the Mriya variety (53%). According to average data, thehighest yield of cuttings was noted in variants with theapplication of '1R Seed treatment'. Green cuttings of theRecord variety are noted for their better generating capacity.At different concentrations of the researched growthstimulants, a significant difference between the variantswas noted. The best rooting results for the preparation'Foliar Concentrate' were at a concentration of 0.35 g/l,compared to the control version, the percentage of rootingwas 21.6% higher. Under the conditions of application of'1R Seed treatment', the rooting rate was the highest at aconcentration of 0.25 (by 24.2% more compared to thecontrol). During the application of succinic acid, an 18.2%increase in the rooting of cuttings was noted compared tothe control at a concentration of 0.35 g/l.Conclusions. It was established that in order to ensurehigh regeneration of green cuttings of the researchednarrow-leaved lavender varieties, it is necessary to use thefollowing concentrations: for '1R Seed treatment' – 0.25 g/l,'Foliar Concentrate' and succinic acid – 0.35 g/l.
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